From the crescent moon a platinum light leaks out
気配にめざめた 部屋のかたすみに
At the sign I woke up in the corner of the room
I saw an angel shaking
The hem of her lace spreads to the ankle
翼のかわりに はかなくひらめき
Instead of wings. Briefly and fleetingly
She says sweet words
さぁ 少女のころに
Come, let's return
to when I was a girl
かって愛された日を もう一度とり戻せるわ
I'll be able to return once again to the day I was loved in my way
あなたはたぶん あどけなさで 眠る時刻
You maybe when you sleep innocently
彼女は肩にもたれながら やすらぐのね
She feels good while she lays on your shoulder
恋する時 永遠をしばりはしない
When I fall in love, time isn't bound
だれもが傷つき 罪深いけれど
Everybody get hurt, it's a sin
But it's lovely too
I can't follow you
形をかえた痛み ふたたび手に入れるだけ
I have again the pain that changed its form
花瓶の花がしおれそうで 気にかかるの
I'm worried about the flower withering in the vase
孤独で 水に挿(さ)すことさえ 忘れていた
I forgot it's arranged in the water with loneliness
こうしてひとり 肩を抱いて
That's why alone, holding my shoulders