ひとりきり すくいあげる
I rescue by myself
指のあいだ こぼれてゆく日々
The days spilling through my fingers
あのひとが 残したのは
That this person has left me
光さえも 呑み込む砂漠よ
Is a desert that gulps even the light down
あぁ 心は泣き叫ぶけれど
Ah, my heart cries and shouts
But in this dry world
No voice resounds
風よ お願い さらわないで 二度と在り処を捜せぬように
Wind, please don't sweep away you can't find my position anymore
深く埋めるから 朽ちるまで 思い 眠らせて
Since I bury it deeply, let my love sleep until it rots
最後の涙をあげましょう 二度と咲かない花のために
I want to give my last tears for a flower that won't bloom anymore
赤いその色が 溶けるまで せめて 見届けさせて
Let me see it with my eyes at least until its red color melts
The coincidence of meeting casually
優しさにも ナイフにも変わる
Becomes tenderness and a knife
耐えられぬ いたみでも
It's an unbearable pain
どうしてなの 追いかけてしまう
But, why I chase you?
ねぇ あたしをいっそ切り裂いて
Tear me up in pieces soon
Until I don't feel anything
Hurt me and go away
今は お願い おしえないで すべてを捨てて行ける理由を
Now please, don't tell me your reasons to leave everything
遠く輝いた 愛までも 嘘と 言わないで
Don't tell me that even the love that shone far is a lie
最後の涙が落ちたなら 二度とあなたが見えないように
If I spilled my last tears is for not seeing you anymore
歩き続けるの どこまでも 錆びた 景色の中を
I'll keep walking anywhere through a rusty landscape
風よ お願い さらわないで 二度と在り処を捜せぬように
Wind, please don't sweep away you can't find my position anymore
深く埋めるから 朽ちるまで 思い 眠らせて
Since I bury it deeply, let my love sleep until it rots
最後の涙をあげましょう 二度と咲かない花のために
I want to give my last tears for a flower that won't bloom anymore
赤いその色が 溶けるまで せめて 見守りたいと…
I want to watch over it at least until its red color melts