Translation of the song Aprinde scanteia artist Smiley


Aprinde scanteia

English translation

Rekindle the spark

Copile, ce vrei sa fii

Child, what do you want to be

Cand altii iti fabrica vise

When others produce dreams

Cand toate din jurul tau

When all of them around you

Sunt regizate sau scrise

Are directed or written

Ai grija ce dai pe bani

Watch out what you give for money

Capcanele sunt intinse

Traps are laid out

Tu priveste-i in ochi

Stare them in the eyes

Si nu-i lasa sa te schimbe

And don't let them change you

Si sunt oameni de bine ce spun sa renunti

And there's people of good that tell you to give up

Dar cand inima striga, eu zic s-o asculti

But when the heart shouts, I say you listen to it

Aprinde scanteia, se va face foc

Rekindle the spark, there will be a fire

Daca dai din coate se va face loc

If you shove your elbows room will be made

Fa primul pas, nu e mult pana departe

Do the first step, it isn't far away

Fii ce vrei sa fii, n-ai nimic de pierdut

Be what you want to be, you've got nothing to lose

Ca n-ai cum sa pierzi ce nu ai avut

Because you can't lose what you never had

Doar fa primul pas, nu e mult pana departe

Just make the first step, it isn't far away

N-are rost sa fii trist

There's no point in being sad

Viata e doar o joaca

Life's just a game

Tu poti s-o faci paradis

You can make it paradise

Grabeste-te c-o sa treaca

Hurry up because it will pass

Bucura-te de azi

Enjoy today

Sigur gasesti motive

You'll find reasons for sure

Razi de tot ce e fals

Laugh at all that's fake

Si nu lasa sa te schimbe

And don't let that change you.

Si sunt oameni de bine ce spun sa renunti

And there's people of good that tell you to give up

Dar cand inima striga, eu zic s-o asculti

But when the heart shouts, I say you listen to it

Aprinde scanteia, se va face foc

Rekindle the spark, there will be a fire

Daca dai din coate se va face loc

If you shove your elbows room will be made

Fa primul pas, nu e mult pana departe

Do the first step, it isn't far away

Fii ce vrei sa fii, n-ai nimic de pierdut

Be what you want to be, you've got nothing to lose

Ca n-ai cum sa pierzi ce nu ai avut

Because you can't lose what you never had

Doar fa primul pas, nu e mult pana departe

Just make the first step, it isn't far away

Mama mi-a zis sa bag fiecare zi de parca ar fi ultima

My mom told me to live every day like it was the last

Si sa dansez atunci cand intra muzica

And to dance when the songs come on

Cand ai ceva de spus, copile tu nu ezita

When you have something to say, child don't hesitate

Viata e simpla, tu traieste-o si n-o complica

Life is simple, just live it and don't complicate it

Am zis ca Gopo s-o animez frumos

I said like Gopo to animate it nicely

Ma simt ca Simo pe final de Roland Garros

I feel like Simo on a final of Roland Garros

Oo, si nu ma controleaza banu’

Oo, and the money's not controlling me

Cand dau all-in cu zece-sapte ca Negreanu, yo

When I go all-in with ten-seven like Negreanu, yo

Si daca e s-o incasez, o fac ca Bute

And if I'll cop it, I'll do like Bute

Ca viata poate uneori sa te si scuture

Because life can sometimes also shake you

Dar nu-i nimic, nu-i nimic si orice ar fi

But it's nothing, it's nothing and whatever it would be

Am aripile de la trend, de la Henri

I've got wings from the trend, from Henri

Zbor cu gandul si asa le vad pe toate

I fly with the thought and so I see them all

Trec prin India cu fler de Eliade, ah

I pass through India with flair from Eliade, ah

Nu spune ca nu tine pledoaria

Don't say that the plea doesn't hold

Ca ridic acum spranceana mai sus ca Anastasia

Because I'll raise my eyebrow now higher than Anastasia

Doamne, Tu ghideaza-mi pasii

God, guide my steps

Daca e sa calc in gol, da sa fie a la Hagi

If I'll step in void, make it be like Hagi

Si daca se alege prafu’

And if it goes up in smoke

Am sa zambesc ca nenea Iancu

I will smile like Mr. Iancu

Aprinde scanteia, se va face foc

Rekindle the spark, there will be a fire

Daca dai din coate se va face loc

If you shove your elbows room will be made

Fa primul pas, nu e mult pana departe

Do the first step, it isn't far away

Fii ce vrei sa fii, n-ai nimic de pierdut

Be what you want to be, you've got nothing to lose

Ca n-ai cum sa pierzi ce nu ai avut

Because you can't lose what you never had

Doar fa primul pas, nu e mult pana departe…

Just make the first step, it isn't far away

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