Translation of the song Cine-i salveaza pe eroi? artist Smiley
Cine-i salveaza pe eroi?
Who saves heroes?
Cand erau mici ii salvau mama si cu tata
When they were small, mom and dad saved them
Cu gandul ca vor creste mari si o sa se intoarca roata
With the thought that they'll grow big and the situation will be reversed
Le-au dat si lor super puteri, sunt mai puternici ca ei
They also gave them super powers, they're stronger than them
Acum sunt pregatiti sa schimbe lumea
Now they're ready to change the world
Gata, curajul e de partea lor
Ready, the courage is from their end
Si a venit timpul sa ne arate ca pot, ca vor
And the time has come for them to show us that they can, that they want
Sa zboare pe deasupra tuturor
To fly above everyone else
Dar au uitat ca si eroii mor
But they've forgotten that even heroes die
Cine-i salveaza pe eroi?
Who saves heroes?
Cand raman fara puteri si devin la fel ca noi
When they're left powerless and become just like us
Si merg si ei pe jos ca nu mai pot zbura
And even they walk on the ground because they can't fly anymore
Cine-i salveaza pe eroi?
Who saves heroes?
Cand nu mai ai ce sa le ceri, ca nu mai au de unde da
When you don't have anything to ask of them anymore, because they don't have anything to give from anymore
Atunci cand frica ne cuprinde si nu ne mai salveaza decat dragostea
When fear grips us and nothing but love saves us anymore
Zi de zi pun pielea la bataie pentru toti prietenii
Day after day, they put their necks on the line for all their friends
Toata lumea ii aclama
Everyone cheers them on
Pentru straini fac tot ce pot sa ii ajute,
For strangers, they do everything they can to help
Pana intr-o zi cand sunt rapusi de oboseala
Until one day, when they're overwhelmed by exhaustion
Si dintr-o data parca toti au disparut
And suddenly, it's as if they all disappeared
Cand au vazut ca nu mai pot desi inainte au putut
When they saw that they can't do it anymore, even though they could before
Si-au reales eroul lor dar au uitat ca si eroii mor
And they've re-elected their hero, but they've forgotten that even heroes die
Cine-i salveaza pe eroi?
Who saves heroes?
Cand raman fara puteri si devin la fel ca noi
When they're left powerless and become just like us
Si merg si ei pe jos ca nu mai pot zbura
And even they walk on the ground because they can't fly anymore
Cine-i salveaza pe eroi?
Who saves heroes?
Cand nu mai ai ce sa le ceri, ca nu mai au de unde da
When you don't have anything to ask of them anymore, because they don't have anything to give from anymore
Atunci cand frica ne cuprinde si nu ne mai salveaza decat dragostea
When fear grips us and nothing but love saves us anymore
Da’ eu nu-s personaj Marvel
But I'm not a Marvel character
Eu-s construit altfel
I'm constructed differently
Fiindca si tata a fost la fel
Because even dad was the same
Lasi loc intr-un tablou in care e tot mai putin pastel
Leave space in a painting which is less and less pastel
Unii oameni uita si daca le faci un castel
Some people forget and if you build them a castle
Ii stii si tu, si tu, si tu, si tu, siii
You know it too, too, too, too
Azi nu mai esti cu noi cand noi nu tusim
Today, you're not with us anymore when we don't cough
S-au inrait toti, zici ca au baut venin
Everyone has hardened, you say that they've drunk poison
Eroii lor astazi inseamna putin
Their heroes mean little today
De aia mai trag obloanele si silent
Which is why they draw the blinds silently
Ceva de luat, nimic de dat, mai stai lent
Something for the taking, nothing to give, stay slow a little longer
Nu mai sunati ca nu mai vin, e urgent
Don't call anymore because I won't come, it's urgent
Sunt la pamant si nu-mi da nimeni curent
I'm on the ground and nobody's giving me any current
Cine-i salveaza pe eroi?
Who saves heroes?
Cand raman fara puteri si devin la fel ca noi
When they're left powerless and become just like us
Si merg si ei pe jos ca nu mai pot zbura
And even they walk on the ground because they can't fly anymore
Cine-i salveaza pe eroi?
Who saves heroes?
Cand nu mai ai ce sa le ceri, ca nu mai au de unde da
When you don't have anything to ask of them anymore, because they don't have anything to give from anymore
Atunci cand frica ne cuprinde si nu ne mai salveaza decat dragostea
When fear grips us and nothing but love saves us anymore