Translation of the song Dincolo de cuvinte artist Smiley
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words
Cateodata mai plang
Sometimes I cry,
Cateodata mai rad
Sometimes I laugh,
Cateodata constat ca banii nu-mi ajung
Sometimes I realize money isn't enough,
Dar viata merge inainte viata se simte
But life goes on, you can feel it,
Noi o traim dincolo de cuvinte
We live it beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words.
De meserie sunt artist
Artist is my profession,
Si in ciuda aparentelor mai am si zile cand sunt trist
And despite the appearances, there are days when I'm sad,
Cateodata mi se pare ca traiesc un vis
Sometimes it seems that I am living a dream,
C-am facut mai mult in viata decat doar sa exist
That I did more than just exist in this life,
Am reusit sa rezist am facut mereu ce-mi place fara niciun compromis
I managed to hang in there, I always did what I liked without compromises,
Si daca nu-mi iese din prima lasa-ma sa insist
And if it doesn't work out from the first time, allow me to insist;
Am zambetul pe buze sunt un optimist convins
I have a smile on my lips - I am a convinced optimist,
Cand am un scop de atins merg mereu pana la capat nu ma las invins
When I have a goal to reach, I always go all the way, I am not defeated,
Si atunci cand vad ca o usa s-a inchis ma uit in alt parte sa vad geamul deschis
And when I see that a door has closed, I look somewhere else for the open window.
Cateodata mai plang
Sometimes I cry,
Cateodata mai rad
Sometimes I laugh,
Cateodata constat ca banii nu-mi ajung
Sometimes I realize money isn't enough,
Dar viata merge inainte viata se simte
But life goes on, you can feel it,
Noi o traim dincolo de cuvinte
We live it beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words.
Ma uit la Smiley si rad acum totul pare hilar
I look at Smiley and I laugh, now everything seems funny,
Mi-amintesc eram tineri n-aveam bani in buzunar
I remember when we were young, no money in our pockets,
Mancam crenvusti cu mustar si n-aveam habar
We ate hot dogs with mustard and we had no idea
De ce ne rezerva viata acum totul e clar
What life had in store for us - now it is all clear:
Totul pentru public pentru scena pentru fani
It is all for the public, for the stage, for the fans,
Si ma stiu ca pe o ruda ca ma stiu de multi ani
And they know me like they know a relative, because it's been many years.
Pot sa rad sa plang ca sunt un tip normal
I can laugh, or cry, because I am normal guy,
Pot sa o dau in bara daca sunt luat de val
I can mess up if I get carried away.
Nu sunt un tip banal dar asta nu inseamna ca sunt grande
I am not an average guy, but it doesn't mean I am grande,
Si am o viata atat de complexa pot sa scriu o carte
And my life is so complex, I could write a book.
Jur ca as face parte fiecaruia din voi
I swear I would share it with each of you,
Alex Velea fratiwer…
Alex Velea, brothers...
Cateodata mai plang
Sometimes I cry,
Cateodata mai rad
Sometimes I laugh,
Cateodata constat ca banii nu-mi ajung
Sometimes I realize money isn't enough,
Dar viata merge inainte viata se simte
But life goes on, you can feel it,
Noi o traim dincolo de cuvinte
We live it beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words.
Si nu demult ne jucam
And not too long ago we were playing,
Nici o grija nu aveam
We had no worries,
Apoi timpul a trecut
Then the time passed.
Invatam sa o sarutam
I was learning to kiss
Pe fata ce o placeam
The girl I liked,
Si nu demult cantam
And not too long ago we were performing,
Prima data ce emotii aveam
How nervous I was the first time!
Sigur nu mai e mult
Surely, it's not too long
Si vom trai tot ce visam
Before we will live out all we dreamed of,
Sigur nu mai e mult
Surely, it's not too long,
Si vom trai tot ce visam
Before we will live our all we dreamed of.
Cateodata mai plang
Sometimes I cry,
Cateodata mai rad
Sometimes I laugh,
Cateodata constat ca banii nu-mi ajung
Sometimes I realize money isn't enough,
Dar viata merge inainte viata se simte
But life goes on, you can feel it,
Noi o traim dincolo de cuvinte
We live it beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words.
Cateodata mai plang
Sometimes I cry,
Cateodata mai rad
Sometimes I laugh,
Cateodata constat ca banii nu-mi ajung
Sometimes I realize money isn't enough,
Dar viata merge inainte viata se simte
But life goes on, you can feel it,
Noi o traim dincolo de cuvinte
We live it beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvinte
Beyond words,
Dincolo de cuvïnte
Beyond words.