Translation of the song Plec pe marte artist Smiley
Plec pe marte
I'm leaving for Mars
Smiley feat Cheloo - Plec pe Marte
Smiley feat Cheloo - I'm leaving for Mars
Plec de tot, departe de tot
I'm leaving everything, far from everything
De tot ce-am avut, dar am pierdut
Everything I had, but lost
Plec departe, plec pe Marte
I'm going far away, I'm leaving for Mars
Si de-acolo poate poate poate
And from there maybe, maybe, maybe
Plec de tot, departe de tot
I'm leaving everything, far from everything
De tot ce-am avut, dar am pierdut
Everything I had, but lost
Plec departe, plec pe Marte
I'm going far away, I'm leaving for Mars
Si de-acolo poate poate poate
And from there maybe, maybe, maybe
Si mai departe... si mai departe
And further....and further...
Nu mai suport, plec de tot
I can't endure any more, I'm leaving everything
Imi iau lumea-n cap
I'm escaping from this world
M-arunc peste bord
I'm throwing myself overboard
Plec de tot, n-am servici,
I'm leaving everything, I don't have a job
N-am bani, bat pasul pe loc
I don't have money, I'm not making any progress
Nici prieteni nu am
I have no friends
O sa mor singur, singur de tot
I will die alone, all alone
Dar singur de tot
But all alone
De ce sa mai stau?
Why should I continue to stay?
N-am nici un motiv
I have no reason
Ma simt inutil, n-am nimic din ce vreau
I feel useless, I have nothing that I want
M-a cautat norocul, dar nu stia unde stau
Luck searched for me, but it didn't know where I'm staying,
Nu stia unde stau, nu stia unde stau, nu stia unde stau
Didn't know where I'm staying, didn't know where Im staying
Plec de tot, departe de tot
I'm leaving everything, far from everything
De tot ce-am avut, dar am pierdut
Everything I had, but lost
Plec departe, plec pe Marte
I'm going far away, I'm leaving for Mars
Si de-acolo poate poate poate
And from there maybe, maybe, maybe
Plec de tot, departe de tot
I'm leaving everything, far from everything
De tot ce-am avut, dar am pierdut
Everything I had, but lost
Plec departe, plec pe Marte
I'm going far away, I'm leaving for Mars
Si de-acolo poate poate poate
And from there maybe, maybe, maybe
Si mai departe si mai deaprte
And further....and further...
Unde sa ne mai ascundem cand fugim de noi?
Where can we still hide when we're running from ourselves?
In jur e pace, nu-mi place
Peace is around, I don't like it
In suflet port un razboi
I carry a war in my soul
Sunt un salbatic intr-o lume civilizata cu forta
I am a wild man in a civilized world with force
Si nu sunt genul sa va car torta
And I'm not the kind to carry a torch
Lumea fuge de cuvinte, deja nimeni nu spune ce simte
People run from words, yet no one says what they feel
Deci nu mai avem nevoie de cuvinte
Therefore we have no more need for words
Constat ca sunt plecat cu capul
I see that I am out of my head
Deci sunt normal.
Therefore I am normal.
C-am reusit, m-am relaxat in ultimul hal
As I've succeeded, I relaxed in the last state
Orice vis devine realitate, daca esti tampit
Any dream becomes reality, if you are stupid
Poti fi pus la locul tau cu medicamentul potrivit
You can be put in your place with the right medication
Uitandu-ma pe geam ma-ntorc si plec din nou
Looking out the window I return and leave again
Te invit sa vii cand nu sunt prezenta ta imi face rau
I invite you to come when I'm not here, your presence makes me ill
Prietenii care ma accepta cum sunt ma plictisesc
Friends who accept me how I am bore me
Iar pe cei care fug de mine nu ii mai gasesc
And those who run from me, I don't find them any more
Daca mi-as permite sa fiu cum sunt n-as mai scrie,
If I would allow myself to be how I am I wouldn't write any more
Ci m-as duce zambind de zece ori pe la puscarie
But I'd go to prison 10 times, smiling
Gandesc la rece cand inima fierbe, sunt un intrus
I think of cold when the heart is boiling, I am an outsider
Din propria mea lume ma simt exclus..
I feel excluded from my own world..
Plec departe
I'm going far away
Plec de tot, departe de tot
I'm leaving everything, far from everything
De tot ce-am avut, dar am pierdut
Everything I had, but lost
Plec departe, plec pe Marte
I'm going far away, I'm leaving for Mars
Si de-acolo poate poate poate
And from there maybe, maybe, maybe
Plec de tot, departe de tot
I'm leaving everything, far from everything
De tot ce-am avut, dar am pierdut
Everything I had, but lost
Plec departe, plec pe Marte
I'm going far away, I'm leaving for Mars
Si de-acolo poate poate poate
And from there maybe, maybe, maybe
Si mai departe, si mai departe
And further....and further...