Translation of the song Yuki Onna artist Kitsune Metaru
Yuki Onna
Yuki Onna
El blanco frío cubre todo alrededor
The cold white covers everything all around,
Y sigue cayendo más del cielo
And keeps falling ever more from the sky
No estás solo y eso alimenta tu ansiedad.
You're not alone and this feeds your anxiety.
Tu cuerpo se mueve con la dificultad
Your body moves with the difficulty
Que el hielo decide permitirte
That the ice decides to allow you
Ella está cerca y tu sólo intentas escapar.
She is close and you are only trying to escape.
No debes quedarte atrás
You should not hang back
O ella te alcanzará.
Or she will reach you.
Yuki-onna, su belleza te enloquecerá.
Yuki-onna, her beauty will drive you crazy.
Yuki-onna, sus largos cabellos te rodearán y será el final.
Yuki-onna, her long hairs will surround surround you and it will be the end.
Te desespera no poder mirar atrás
It's driving you mad not being able to turn around
Pues sus ojos más terror te causan
Well her eyes bring you more terror
Su piel de porcelana sabes que quieres tocar.
You know you want to touch her porcelain skin.
Pronto tu fuerza te va a abandonar
Soon your strength is going to abandon you
Ya sientes su aliento en tu cuello
You can already feel her breath on your neck
Y po-po-pobre de ti, ya no paras de temblar.
P-p-poor you, you can't stop trembling any more.
No dejes de respirar
Don't stop breathing
O ella te congelará.
Or she will freeze you.
Yuki-onna, labios de cristal que te engañarán.
Yuki-onna, crystal lips with ensnare you.
Yuki-onna, su apariencia no es real y no te dejará escapar.
Yuki-onna, her appearance is not real and she will not let you escape...