Translation of the song 坂道のメロディ artist YUKI
Melody of the slope
What should I do? I’ve forgotten what I was like before I met you
The wind strokes my cheek
“Lullaby of Birdland”, as I hike up the hill
My helpless shadow grows
It’s like a never-ending summer vacation. A feeling like sneaking into the pool
ねえ 服のまま泳ごうよ 跳ねる!!
Hey, let’s jump in and swim with our clothes still on!!
衝撃的誘惑スパイラル この胸を突き刺すビートはストレンジ
It’s a spiral of a shock-like temptation – the beat piercing my chest is strange
(It suddenly bursts into flame and vanishes)
Dress your best even on the worst days
In swinging, high speed surround sound
(What’s this dance called? I’ll never stop)
行かないで 耳に絡みついてもう離れないよ
Don’t go, the melody is wrapping around my ears and won’t let go of me
This melody is rather like love
バイバイ 弱虫で人に嫌われるのを怖がってた あの日までの私
Bye-bye, Up until then I was a coward, Afraid of being hated by others
いつか、王子様がハミングすれば聴こえてる 確かな胸の鼓動
When I hum, “Someday My Prince will Come”, I can hear the certain beat of my heart
暖かい手袋 お月様にかける バラの滴に白い雪
Warm gloves, the moon in the sky, droplets on a rose, white snow
ねえ 好きなものばかり持って 走れ!!
Hey, take only the things you love and run!
夜空のレーザービームスターライト 髪飾り スワロブスキー It's show time
Laser Beam Starlight in the night sky. Decorates my hair like Swarovski crystals, It’s show time
(アドリブがなくちゃ つまらないの)
(It’s boring if you don’t improvise)
官能的です 高速のスキル 思い通りドライヴしてるセクション フレーズ
This high-speed skill is sexy. I drive the phrase in the section just as I like
(それはあっという間 見失うの)
(If you blink, you’ll miss it)
眩しくて前が見えないくらいに 輝いてる
It shines so brightly I can’t see in front of me
覚めないで(Don't let me down, don't let me down)
Don’t wake me up (Don’t let me down, don’t let me down)
夢みたいだ(Don't let me down, don't let me down)
It’s like a dream (Don’t let me down, don’t let me down)
衝撃的誘惑スパイラル この胸を突き刺すビートはストレンジ
It’s a spiral of a shock-like temptation – the beat piercing my chest is strange
(It suddenly bursts into flame and vanishes)
But if we improvise we can play it back anytime
In swinging, high speed surround sound
(What’s this dance called? It makes me wanna dance)
行かないで 耳に絡みついてもう離れないよ
Don’t go, the melody is wrapping around my ears and won’t let go of me
このメロディは もう恋みたいだ
This melody is still rather like love