Translation of the song La llum [Heaven's Light] artist The Hunchback of Notre Dame (OST)


La llum [Heaven's Light]

English translation

The light

De lluny, amb tant enyor,

Longingly from afar

sovint he vist l'amor

I have often seen love

als ulls de dos enamorats.

in the eyes of two lovers.

La llum els encenia el rostre,

The light illuminates their faces

la llum que Déu els ha donat.

the light that God has given them,

De mi només surt fum.

from me only smoke comes out.

Mai no m'arriba llum

The light never comes to me

ni obrint el cor de bat a bat.

nor will my heart be completely open.

Cap rostre com aquest tan mal fet

a face so badly made

no pot coneixer cap bondat.

will never come to know kindness.

Però tot de cop, un àngel no fuig de mi

But suddenly, an angel didn't flee from me

i em mira així.

and it looks at me so,

No em parla amb cap maldat

she never speaks to me with malice

i goso dir que tal vegada pensa en mi.

and I dare say that perhaps she thinks of me.

I mentre vaig pels campanars,

And while I go through the bell towers

la fosca torre és un esclat.

the dark tower bursts (with light)1

Potser és la llum que ja ha arribat.

maybe the light has arrived.

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