Translation of the song Las campanas de Notre Dame [The Bells of Notre-Dame] (Latin Spanish) artist The Hunchback of Notre Dame (OST)
Las campanas de Notre Dame [The Bells of Notre-Dame] (Latin Spanish)
The bells of Notre Dame
Ya las campanas despiertan París resonando en Notre Dame.
Now the bells are waking up Paris, resounding in Notre Dame.
Anuncian que hay pesca y hay pan otra vez resonando en Notre Dame.
They announce that there's fishing and bread again, resounding in Notre Dame.
Las más grandes revientan cual trueno,
The biggest ones burst like a thunder,
las pequeñas su canto nos dan.
and the little ones sing for us.
Campanas que encierran el alma de todo París
Bells that carry the soul of all Paris,
resonando en Notre Dame.
resounding in Notre Dame.
Fue una noche obscura en los muelles allá, por Notre Dame.
It was a dark night at the docks, there near Notre Dame.
Cuatro gitanos huían asustados allá, por Notre Dame.
Four gypsies were running away scared, there near Notre Dame.
Alarmados temblaban de miedo, atraparlos ahí era el plan.
They were shaking of fear, alarmed, to capture them there was the plan
De una sombra de hierro como esas campanas que oís,
of a shadow made of iron, like the bells you here
resonando en Notre Dame. [Kyrie Eleison (Señor, ten piedad)]
resounding in Notre Dame. [Kyrie Eleison (Lord, have mercy)]
Frollo el juez quería purgar el vicio y la maldad ([Kyrie Eleison)
Frollo, the judge, wanted to purge vice and evil (Kyrie Eleison)
y pecado en todo halló sin ver su vanidad (Kyrie Eleison).
and saw sin everywhere, without seeing his vanity.
Dies irae, dies irae (Ese día, ese día)
Dies irae, dies illa (Day of Wrath, that day)
Dies illa, dies illa (día de ira, día de ira)
Dies irae, dies illa (Day of Wrath, that day)
Solvet saeclum in favilla (El mundo se consumirá en cenizas)
Solvet saeclum in favilla (will dissolve the world in ashes)
Teste David cum sibylla (Como profetizaron David y la Sibila)
Teste David cum sibylla (David being witness along with the sibyls)
Quantus tremor est futurus (Cómo temblará el mundo)
Quantus tremor est futurus (How great will be the quaking)
Dies irae (Ese día)
Dies irae (Day of Wrath)
Quando Judex est venturus (A la venida del Juez)
Quando Judex est venturus (when the Judge comes)
Quantus tremor est futurus (Cómo temblará el mundo)
Quantus tremor est futurus (How great will be the quaking)
Dies irae (Ese día)
Dies irae (Day of Wrath)
Quando Judex est venturus (A la venida del Juez)
Quando Judex est venturus (when the Judge comes)
Dies irae (Ese día)
Dies irae (Day of Wrath)
Sovet saeclum in favilla (El mundo se consumirá en cenizas)
Solvet saeclum in favilla (will dissolve the world in ashes)
Dies irae, dies illa (Ese día, día de ira)
Dies irae, dies illa (Day of Wrath, that day)
Sangre inocente has regado este día a los pies de Notre Dame
You have shed innocent blood this day, at the foot of Notre Dame,
y a esta criatura quisiste matar a los pies de Notre Dame.
and you tried to murder this creature at the foot of Notre Dame.
Tú podrás engañarte a ti mismo y podrás toda culpa negar,
You can fool yourself, and you can deny all guilt,
pero nunca podrás esconder este horror la verdad,
but you won't be able to hide this horror to the truth,
a la verdad de Notre Dame.
to Notre Dame's truth.
Y por vez primera en su alma él sintió temor,
And for the first time ever, he felt fear in his soul,
en su obscura vida de poder dominador.
in his dark life of dominating power.
Nadie lo verá si está encerrado siempre ahí.
No one will see him if he's always locked up there.
Criatura tan extraña puede ser alguna vez
This strange creature can be someday,
útil a mí.
useful to me.
Y este acertijo difícil verán resolver en Notre Dame:
And you'll see this difficult riddle be solved in Notre Dame:
quién monstruo y quién hombre entre ellos será.
who is the monster and who is the man among them?
Las campanas cantan, cantan
The bells sing, sing,
resonando en Notre Dame.
resounding in Notre Dame.