Translation of the song チェンジ全開! ゼンカイジャー artist Daiki Ise


チェンジ全開! ゼンカイジャー

English translation

Change In Full Throttle! Zenkaiger


Change in full throttle, Machine World Squadron

ギア旋回 心のままOh!

Turning gears with all of our hearts, oh

情熱(おもい)はいつも ウソなどつかない

The enthusiasm always leaves a mark

やりたいなら 怖さは蹴とばせ

If you want to do it, kick off all of your fears

できないことも たくさんあるさ

There are some things that you can't do

はじめてだから それも楽しもう

Let's enjoy them, even if it's not the first time

誰でもいつかは 大好きなもの

There's someone who will like you someday

出会えて もっと強くなるぞ

Someone that you can meet and become stronger


Change in full throttle, Machine World Squadron

ギア旋回 心のまま

Turning gears with all of our hearts

トリガー引けよ 熱くゼンカイジャー

Push the trigger with a burning desire, Zenkaiger


Change in full throttle, make a round of applause

Kick the 限界 夢の彼方

Kick off the limits beyond the dreams

誰も知らない道 進めよ

Walk the path of uncertainties, go on

ナミダはいつも ウソなどつかない

There are tears that always never lie

闘うなら 悔しさ抱きしめ

If you want to fight, embrace all of your regrets

頑張る勇気 汗にするのさ

Do your best with courage and without a sweat

ときめく笑顔 あふれ出すまで

Flourish a blushing smile that overflows

誰もがそれぞれ 特別だCOLOR

Each one of us is special and full of color

自分の 色で未来染めろ

Create the future in your own way


Change in full throttle, Machine World Squadron

ピンチ挽回 前を向けば

Recover from danger and never look back

燃える太陽 赤くゼンカイジャー

Get fired up like the burning red sun, Zenkaiger


Change in full throttle, hoping is alright

待って頂戴 ほら 伸びシロ

Looking forward to a wider, white path

予想の斜め上 突き抜け

Go beyond expectations

誰でもいつかは 大好きなもの

There's someone who will like you someday

出会い 変わり 愛し 強くなるぞ

If we meet, change, love, and be stronger

We can 全開!勝利Yeah!

We can go with a full-throttle victory, yeah


Change in full throttle, Machine World Squadron

ギア旋回 心のまま

Turning gears with all of our hearts

トリガー引けよ 熱くゼンカイジャー

Push the trigger with a burning desire, Zenkaiger


Change in full throttle, make a round of applause

Kick the 限界 夢の彼方

Kick off the limits beyond the dreams

誰も知らない道 進めよ

Walk the path of uncertainties, go on

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