Translation of the song 香格里拉 artist Waa Wei
I thought I would realize my dreams if I did my best.
I thought I would hold my head high when walking in the streets if I wrote a good song.
I thought I would become a hero if I travelled on a motocycle.
現在的我 失去了衝動
Now I've lost the drives.
Talented people look down upon shiny trophies.
親愛的 Cobain 是否也曾愛慕虛榮
Was dear Cobain also once a vain person?
How I wish for someone to solve my confusion and lead me down the road.
現在的我 變的好懦弱
Now I've become a coward.
雨會下雨會停 這是不變的道理
There will be rain and it will stop. This is an eternal truth.
夜空中北極星 迷路的人不恐懼
There's the Northern Star at night so those who lose their way aren't afraid.
我唱歌你在聽 一切風平又浪靜
I'm singing and you're listening. Everything about us is in peace,
G和絃的根音 撫平脆弱的心靈
the root note of the G chord soothing fragile souls.
我只想牽著你 走到很遠的夢裡
I just want to hold your hands and walk with you into a dream far away
小木屋紅屋頂 地址是一個秘密
where there's a log cabin with a red roof, but the address is a secret.
你抱著小貓咪 藍眼睛不再憂鬱
You're holding a kitten in your arms and there's no longer gloominess in your blue eyes.
香格里拉在那裡 讓我們去找尋
Shangri-La is there for us to find.
I thought I would realize my dreams if I did my best.
I thought I would hold my head high when walking in the streets if I wrote a good song.
I thought I would become a hero if I travelled on a motocycle.
現在的我 失去了衝動
Now I've lost the drives.