Translation of the song Luz celestial [Heaven's Light] (Latin Spanish) artist The Hunchback of Notre Dame (OST)


Luz celestial [Heaven's Light] (Latin Spanish)

English translation

Heavenly Light

Amantes por ahí

Over there, many lovers

yo muchas veces vi

I saw quite many times

de noche alegres caminar.

joyfully walking by at night.

Extraño brillo los rodeaba

A strange glow surrounded them

y parecía luz celestial.

and it seemed like a heavenly light.

Pensaba entonces yo

I then thought

que ese hermoso amor

that that beautiful love

no habría de conocer jamás.

I would never get to know.

Nunca en mi cara tan horrible

Never, in my horrible face,

podría brillar luz celestial.

could a heavenly light shine.

Mas de repente un ángel sonrió hacia mí.

But suddenly an angel smiled my way.

Besó mi feo rostro sin temblar.

She kissed my ugly face without shivering.

Me atrevo a decir

I even dare to say

que está pensando en mí

that she's thinking of me.

Hoy las campanas al sonar

Today when the bells sing

la oscura torre harán brillar,

they will alight the dark tower

¡y debe ser luz celestial!

and it must be a heavenly light!

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