Translation of the song Butterfly artist P1Harmony

English, Korean


English translation


We will go

We will go

거기가 어디든 상관없이 Go

No matter where you are, go

알 수 없는 답을 찾아

Find an answer you don't know

Secret 넌 알려 하지 마

Secret, don't let me know

Quiet 가라는 길로 가

Quiet, go down the road

세상이란 거미들의 먹잇감 I don’t want it

The world is the prey of spiders, I don't want it

이빨에 찢긴 날개를 펼치고 날아야지

Spready the wings on your teeth and fly

Let's make it 태풍 휘몰아치는 내 꿈

Let's make it, my dream of a typhoon

가는 곳까지 가는 거지 Keep going

We'll go where we're going, keep going

굳이 알고 싶다면 Click click

If you want to know, click, click

다시 잠들진 않아 We don’t sleep sleep

I won't fall asleep again, we don't sleep, sleep

정해진 길이 없으니 만들어 가야 해

There's no fixed path, so we have to make it

우린 하나같이 Ay

We're all one, ay

모두 같은 그림을 그리고

We all draw the same picture

짜여진 Story를 써야 한다고

We have to write a story

Everybody 내게 강요해

Everybody forced me

로봇처럼 움직여

Move like a robot

날개 잃은 Butterfly

Wingless butterfly

날고 싶은 Butterfly

I want to fly, butterfly

Eh oh 세상을 향해

Eh oh, toward the world

한 번 더

One more time

죽을힘을 다해 날갤 펴

I do my best to spread my wings

가로막은 저 벽을

That wall in the way

날개 잃은 Butterfly

Wingless butterfly

날고 싶은 Butterfly

I want to fly, butterfly

Eh oh 높이 날아올라 Butterfly

Flying high, butterfly

Eh oh Eh oh Eh oh (Oh oh oh)

Eh oh eh oh eh oh (oh, oh, oh)

Eh oh Eh oh Eh (Oh oh)

Eh oh eh oh eh (oh, oh)

같은 꽃 같은 목표를 정했다고

We set the same flower-like goal

과연 속이 똑같을까

Will it be the same?

다툼 속에서 우리가 얻는 건

What we get in a fight is,

더 이상 날 수 없는 날개 두 짝

Two wings that can no longer fly

정해진 길 누가 이걸 정했는지는 몰라

I don't know who decided to do this

가로막은 벽을 우린 넘어서고

We're over the wall

막혀 버린 벽을 뚫고 날아

Fly through a blocked wall

별을 향해 날개를 펴고

Spread wings toward the stars.

매일 같은 꽃들을 쫓아가

Following the same flowers every day

같은 꽃 위에만 앉으라고 해

Tell them to sit on only the same flower

Everybody 내게 강요해

Everybody forced me

로봇처럼 움직여

Move like a robot

날개 잃은 Butterfly

Wingless butterfly

날고 싶은 Butterfly

I want to fly, butterfly

Eh oh 세상을 향해

Eh oh, toward the world

한 번 더

One more time

죽을힘을 다해 날갤 펴

I do my best to spread my wings

가로막은 저 벽을

That wall in the way

날개 잃은 Butterfly

Wingless butterfly

날고 싶은 Butterfly

I want to fly, butterfly

Eh oh 높이 날아올라 Butterfly

Flying high, butterfly

날 묶어 둔 거미줄에

In the spider web that tied me up

온몸을 다 휘감겨도

Even if you're all wrapped up

절대 꺾을 수 없어 또 일어나

I can't break it, get up again

다시 날아오를래

I'm gonna fly again

I can’t give it up

I can't give it up

Everybody 내게 강요해

Everybody forced me

로봇처럼 움직여

Move like a robot

날개 잃은 Butterfly

Wingless butterfly

날고 싶은 Butterfly

I want to fly, butterfly

Eh oh 세상을 향해

Eh oh, toward the world

한 번 더

One more time

죽을힘을 다해 날갤 펴

I do my best to spread my wings

가로막은 저 벽을

That wall in the way

날개 잃은 Butterfly

Wingless butterfly

날고 싶은 Butterfly

I want to fly, butterfly

Eh oh 높이 날아올라 Butterfly

Flying high, butterfly

Eh oh Eh oh Eh oh (Oh oh oh)

Eh oh eh oh eh oh (oh oh oh)

Eh oh Eh oh Eh (Oh oh)

Eh oh eh oh eh (oh oh)

Eh oh Eh oh Eh oh (Oh oh oh)

Eh oh eh oh eh oh (oh oh oh)

Eh oh Eh oh Eh

Eh oh eh oh eh

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