Translation of the song 끝장내 (End It) artist P1Harmony

English, Korean

끝장내 (End It)

English translation

End it

Can I get some power

Can I get some power

저들에게 올바른 대가를

The right price for them

속으로 삼킨 상처 흉터

Swallowed wound scars

못 털어낸 흙먼지

Dirt that could'nt be brushed off

Revenge한다 해도

Even if I revenge

뒤에 따라오는 대갚음

The repayment that follows

썩었으니 갖다 버려

It's rotten, so take it away

여긴 너희들 자리 따위는 없지

There's no place for you guys here

Come on

Come on

It doesn’t matter

It doesn't matter

앞에 뭐가 있든 상관 안 해

I don't care what's in front

내가 발을 내민 이상 Yeah

As long as I put my feet out, yeah

All the games 이제 시작해

All the games start now

맞서 싸울래 Yeah

I wanna fight back yeah

Tonight we going

Tonight we going

I won't be scared

I won't be scared

To the unknown

To the unknown

이기기 위해

To win

내 Power를 다 쏟아 버려

Pour out my power

어둠을 부수는 빛이 살아나

The light that breaks the darkness comes alive

Ain't no other way

Ain't no other way

So get out my way

So get out my way

앞만 보고 가

Just look ahead and go

두려워하지 마 Oh

Don't be afraid Oh

끝 끝 끝 끝장내

The end, the end, the end

지금 당장 끝장내

Finish it right now

여기서 다 끝장내

Finish it all here

비웃는대도 불가능해도 Oh

Even if it's impossible to laugh at it, oh

멈추지 마 끝장내

Don't stop, finish it

모조리 다 끝장내

Everything is over

하얗게 포장된 세상 Oh

The world wrapped in white oh

끝장내 끝 끝 끝 끝장내 끝 끝

It's the end, the end, the end, the end, it's the end, the end, the end

네가 말한 정의가 뭔지 몰라

I don't know what the definition you're talking about

거짓과 위선 가득한

Full of lies and hypocrisy

이 팍팍해진 세상 녹슬어버린 세상

This harsh world, the rusted world

바꿔 볼 거야

I'll try to change it

겁나네 날 향해

It's scary towards me

날아드는 많고 많은 발들

Many and many feet flying

I rock this thing like no other

I rock this thing like no other

내 기억에 남아 있네

Remains in my memory

싸우기 위해 소리치네

Yelling to fight

Rock this thing like no other

Rock this thing like no other

Tonight we going

Tonight we going

I won't be scared

I won't be scared

To the unknown

To the unknown

이기기 위해

To win

내 Power를 다 쏟아 버려

Pour out my power

어둠을 부수는 빛이 살아나

The light that breaks the darkness comes alive

Ain't no other way

Ain't no other way

So get out my way

So get out my way

앞만 보고 가

Just look ahead and go

두려워하지 마 Oh

Don't be afraid oh

끝 끝 끝 끝장내

The end, the end, it's the end

지금 당장 끝장내

Finish it right now

여기서 다 끝장내

Finish it all here

비웃는대도 불가능해도 Oh

Even if it's impossible to laugh at it, oh

멈추지 마 끝장내

Don't stop, finish it

모조리 다 끝장내

Everything is over

하얗게 포장된 세상 Oh

The world wrapped in white, oh

모두에게 감춰진 검정

Black hidden from everyone

(Yeah dun dun duru duru run)

(Yeah dun dun duru duru run)

껍질을 까 드러난 본성

The skinned nature

(Yeah dun dun duru duru run)

(Yeah dun dun duru duru run)

내가 늘 봐왔던 악행

The evil I've always seen

19세 미만의 사회 안엔

In society under the age of 19

모두가 알지 골목에 감춰진

Everyone knows, hidden in the alley

교복 소매 끝엔 핏자국이

Blood spots on the end of the uniform sleeves

집을 못 가 맘 편히

I can't go home and feel comfortable

친구들 얼굴엔 멍이

Bruises on my friends' faces

끝장내 버려 잘라 버려

Cut it off, cut it off

잘못 자란 나무뿌리째 뽑아 버려

Pull out the roots of wrongly grown tree

지금 당장 끝장내

Finish it right now

바꿔버려 끝장내

Change it, finish it

꺾이지 않아 숙이지 않아 Oh

It won't be broken, it won't bend oh

멈추지 마 끝장내

Don't stop, finish it

모조리 다 끝장내

Everything is over

하얗게 포장된 세상 Oh

The world wrapped in white oh

끝장내 끝장 끝장내

It's the end, the end

끝장내 끝장 끝장내

It's the end, the end

비웃는대도 불가능해도 Oh

Even if it's impossible to laugh at it, oh

끝장내 끝장 끝장내

It's the end, the end

끝장내 끝장 끝장내

It's the end, the end

하얗게 포장된 세상 Oh

The world wrapped in white oh



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