Translation of the song Mahkamah Ajaib [The court of Miracles] artist The Hunchback of Notre Dame (OST)
Mahkamah Ajaib [The court of Miracles]
The Miraculous Court
Pernah tak dengar tempat menakutkan di mana penjahat Paris di sini
Have you ever heard about a terrifying place where all the thugs in Paris are here?
Pernah tak dengar tempat yang pelik
Have you ever heard about a freaky place?
Mahkamah yang ajaib
It is The Miraculous Court
Hello di sana
Hello there!
Hei, sihat!
Hey, you are healthy!
Yang buta, celik
The blind ones can see
Yang mati, kelu
The dead ones go speechless
Pasti yang menyimpan rahsia, kita punya cara tersendiri
Because for the ones that keep their own secret, we have our own way
Hukum penjahat yang ingin sakiti di mahkamah yang ajaib
By punishing all the villains that try to hurt us in The Miraculous Court
Pastinya ajaib jika kekal selamat
It must be full of miracles if you want to stay safe
Keadilan di mahkamah yang ajaib
Justice in The Miraculous Court
Aku peguam
I am the lawyer
Aku yang menghakim
I am the one who judges
Perbicaraan sekejap sahaja
The trial takes a while
Kerana hukuman itu yang seronok
Because the punishment is enjoyable
Ada kata-kata terakhir?
Any last words?
Mereka cakap macam tu juga
They said like that too
Nampaknya semua dah terbukti
It looks like everything is proven
Nanti, saya bantah
Wait, I object
Bantahan ditolak
Your objection is rejected
Saya bantah!
I object!
Oh no!
Nampaknya engkau tak bersalah
It looks like you are innocent
Itu yang paling teruk
And that is the worst thing
Kau akan digantung
As you will be hanged