Translation of the song Cesta artist Vlado Kreslin
The Road
Dolga dolga je cesta iz vasi do mesta
Long so long is the road from the small into big town
Dolga dolga je reka iz plenic do človeka
Long so long is the river from nappies to grown man
Polna lukenj in hrepenenja
Full of holes and of wishful yearning
Tolmunov, želja in ihtenja
Of deepest springs and wishes burning
Dolga, kot je lahko le noč
Long as only the night can be,
Dolga je ta pot
It's a lengthy road
Od nekje do nekoč
From somewhere to times seen.
Tam za cesto so kraji, tam živijo Masaji
By the road places startling, population Masai
Tu ob reki, glej, dekle v beli obleki
Look here down by the river, a girl in dress whitely
Skrila mi je svet v dlan
Hid entire world in her palm
Vzela me na svojo stran
Took me by her side under arm
Včeraj bil je ves svet klicaj
World was all a shout yesterday
Zdaj v vsaki kapljici vprašaj!
Now in every drop question mark is today.
Pelji me, v svet odpelji
Take me to the world, you take me
Da vprašanje izvem
So the question I spell
Pelji me, domov pripelji
Take me back and home you bring me
Da odgovor povem
So the answer I tell
O tej cesti
Of Road lengthy,
O tej reki ...
River mighty.
Dolga dolga je cesta od mesta do mesta
Long so long is the road from the big back to big town
Dolga, dolga je reka od človeka do človeka
Long so long is the river from the grown back to grown man
Polna lukenj in hrepenenja
Full of holes and of wishful yearning
Tolmunov, želja in ihtenja
Of deepest springs and wishes burning
Dolga, kot je lahko le noč
Long as only the night can be,
Dolga je ta pot
It's a lengthy road
Od nekje do nekoč
From somewhere to times seen.
Pelji me v svet, odpelji
Take me to the world, you take me
Da vprašanje izvem
So the question I spell
Pelji me domov, pripelji
Take me back and home you bring me
Da odgovor povem
So the answer I tell
O tej cesti
Of Road lengthy,
O tej reki
River mighty.