Translation of the song Nanti [Someday] artist The Hunchback of Notre Dame (OST)


Nanti [Someday]

English translation


Nanti, kita 'kan sedar

Later, we will realise it

Bila dunia faham segala

When the world understands everything

Doa, kita terima takdir hidup seadanya

Do pray that we will accept whatever the fate of life

Nanti, ada keadilan

Later, there will be justice

Kurang kemahuan

The desire will be less

Tamak 'kan hilang

Greed will be gone

Tuhan, cerahkan masa depan

Oh Lord, please brighten the future

Bawalah ke sini nanti

Just bring it here later

Nanti kita 'kan berjaya

Later, we will be victorious

Menggapai cahaya sinar mentari hingga hari mentari pudar

Reaching out for the ray of sunlight until the day when the sun is faded away

Berdua tercapai impian

The dream will be true for both of us

'Kan tiba kegelapan (Kegelapan)

The darkness will emerge (Darkness)

Bagai hilang tujuan (Hilang tujuan)

As someone who lost the direction (Lost the direction)

Doakanlah kesenangan

Do pray for the indulgence

Bersamaku mengharung

Together with me, we face it

(Nanti, kita 'kan sedar) Nanti kita 'kan sedar

(Later, we will realise it) Later, we will realise it

(Bila dunia faham segala) Bila dunia ini faham segala

(When the world understands everything) When this world understands everything

(Doa, kita terima takdir) Doa

(Do pray that we accept the fate) Do pray

Takdir, takdir

The fate, the fate

(Hidup, hidup seadanya) Hidup, hidup, hidup, hidup seadanya

(To live, To live with whatever we own) To live, to live, to live, to live with whatever we own



(Nanti ada keadilan) Ada keadilan

(Later, there will be justice) There will be justice

(Kurang kemahuan) Kurang kemahuan

(The desire will be less) The desire will be less

(Tamak 'kan hilang)

(Greed will be gone)

Tuhan, cerahkan masa depan

Oh Lord, please brighten the future


Do make it come true

Tercapailah impian suatu hari nanti

May all of the dreams will be true someday later







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