Translation of the song Oheň Diabla [Hellfire] artist The Hunchback of Notre Dame (OST)


Oheň Diabla [Hellfire]

English translation


Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti,

Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti,

Beatae Mariae semper Virgini,

Beatae Mariae semper Virgini,

Beato Michaeli Archangelo,

Beato Michaeli Archangelo,

Sanctis apostolis, omnibus sanctis.

Sanctis apostolis, omnibus sanctis.

Beata Maria,

Beata Maria,

Ty vieš, že ctím si zákony,

You know I honour the laws

Vysoko si vážim svoju česť.

I higly value my virtue

Et tibit, Pater

Et tibit, Pater

Beata Maria,

Beata Maria,

Ty vieš, že ja som čistejší,

You know that I am purer

Než obyčajný dav, čo treba viesť.

Than the common crowd who needs to be led

Quia peccavi nimis

Quia peccavi nimis

Tak počuj, Mária,

So listen, Maria

Jej zrak vyráža mi dych,

Her eyes are taking my breath away

Stále ten jej čierny tanec zrie.

While she is dancing her dark dance



Len v duši ma bodá

It stabs my soul

A lúč v jej vlasoch havraních ma páli,

And the beam in her dark hair is scorching

Raz jej hádam zočarie.

Hopefully it´ll make her insane one day

Verbo et opere

Verbo et opere

A vo mne je plameň,

There´s flame inside me

Čo dotýka sa striech.

Which touches the roofs

Už so mnou je amen,

This is my end

Už horí vo mne hriech.

This is my sin

Som nevinný,

I´m innocent

Mea culpa

Mea culpa

Mám svoju česť,

I have my honor

Mea culpa

Mea culpa

Tá čierna bosorka ma na hriech skúša zviesť!

That black witch wants to make me sinful

Mea maxima culpa

Mea maxima culpa

Nič nemám s tým,

I have nothing to do with that

Mea culpa

Mea culpa

Boh má svoj plán,

God has his plan

Mea culpa

Mea culpa

Vie, prečo v tejto chvíli diabol vládne nám!

He knows why the devil rules upon us now

Mea maxima culpa

Mea maxima culpa

Ja Ťa prosím, Mária,

I beg you Maria

Mňa aby si sa nezriekla,

Do not renounce me

Pred ohňom diabla moje telo chráň.

Protect me from the hellfire

Tá zlá Esmeralda

This bad Esmeralda

Nech prepadne sa do pekla,

Should go to hell

Ak nie, tak nech ju mám,

Or else let her be mine

Tak nech ju mám.

Let her be mine

Jak peklo už planie

As the hell is burning

A svedok je mi kríž.

And cross is my witness

Buď ja ťa mať budem,

Either you´ll be mine

Buď v pekle uhoríš!

Or you´ll burn in hell

Kyrie Eleison

Kyrie Eleison

Neopusť ju, Pane.

Don´t forsake her, Lord

Kyrie Eleison

Kyrie Eleison

Neopusť ma, Pane.

Don´t forsake me, Lord

Kyrie Eleison

Kyrie Eleison

Buď chceš mňa, buď v ohni uhoríš!

Either you want me, or you´ll burn in the fire

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