Translation of the song Hej ko to pita artist Viki Miljković
Hej ko to pita
Hey who's asking
Sunce se s kisom bori
Sun fights the rain
rekla sam ti - uspori
I told you, slow down
ne idi, mesto ti je
don't go, your place is
pored mene tu
right next to me
Sa neba kisa pade
Rain fell from the sky
cela mi zemlja stade
whole earth stopped
sve mi se srusilo
everything collapsed
na rastanku
when you left
Hej, ko to pita, hej, ko to pita
Hey, who's asking, hey, who's asking
ko se sad to raspituje
who's posing questions now
da l' dobro sam, da l' sam sama
Am I fine, am I alone
ko to teren ispituje
Hej, ko to pita, hej, ko to pita
Hey, who's asking, who's asking
znam ja, dragane, ko si ti
I know, darling, who you are
da ne bi sad da vratis se
would you like to come back now
ma, bolje ti je, ne polazi
well, better for you, don't start your return
Svetlo se s tamom bori
Light is fighting darkness
pitala sam gde gori
I asked where's burning (what's wrong)
ostani sa mnom ovde
stay here with me
bar do ujutru
at least 'till the morning
Sa neba tama pade
from the skys fell the darkness
cela mi zemlja stade
and whole earht stopped
sve mi se srusilo
everything collapsed
na rastanku
when you left