Translation of the song Ko to zna artist Viki Miljković
Ko to zna
Who knows
Al' ko to zna
But who knows
s tobom i sa mnom
anything is possible
je moguce sve
with you and me
moze i juce da svane zar ne
even yesterday can dawn*
sto ne bi ljubav ova
why wouldn't this love also
Znaj, na istom vetru
Know, we're two leaves
mi lista smo dva
floating in the same wind
gde budes pao
where you'll fall
tu padam i ja
I'll fall as well
da opet budem tvoja
so I can be yours again
Zar ti da krivis me za sve
Should you really be the one to blame me for everything
zrtvu od sebe
you always acted like
pravio si oduvek zar ne
you're the victim, didn't you
tu igru prekini
stop playing that game
kad vidis me da padam
when you see me falling
pod tvoje noge necu, ne brini
it won't be in front of your feet, don't worry
Gledaj me u oci
Look me in the eyes
videces u njima da volim te jos
you'll see in them that I still love you
a jedino suze neces moci
you only won't see
videti u njima ponovo
tears in them again
Zar ti da svima pricas to
Should you really be the one to
kako sam gresna
tell everyone how wrong I am
i da samo nanosim ti bol
and that I only cause you pain
a istina je da
but the truth is
ti teras me od sebe
that you chase me away
i usne tvoje mirisu na kraj
and your lips smell like it's the end