Translation of the song まつげうさぎと踊り子の旅 artist Chikamori Kayako



English translation

Eyelash Rabbits and Dancers' Journey


Now we go!

柔らかな爪先を高くあげ 白い踊り子たちが駆け抜ける

Raising their soft toes high, white dancers gallop around

苔生した谷は夜露をふくみ 星くずのようなひかりがともる

The mossy valley contains night dew, and lights like stardust turn on

野ばらのかおる森で蜜蜂が 黄金(きん)いろの綿毛をふるわせる

In the forest scented with wild roses, honey bees flutter their golden fluff

うろこのような青い屋根の窓で 甘いカルメラがとろける午后

In the afternoon when sweet caramel melts in the window of the scale-like blue roof

あかりで飾るポプラの並木 影をのばしておてゝをつなぐ

A row of poplar trees decorated with lamps, stretch their shadows out to link their hands together


Across the rainbow-coloured vapour, leaping on the gelatin sea, they go on

列をなす踊り子たちの旅 かろやかに世界を駆けめぐる

The journey of the parading dancers, they run around the world lightly

立派な襞襟(ラフ)を風にあそばせ 誇り高くどこまでも

They let their splendid roughs play in the wind, being proud, to wherever they go

群れで微睡むフラミンゴたちが 喇叭の音を合図に宙をとぶ

Flamingos dozing in a flock, with the sound of a trumpet as a signal, fly in the sky

ポラリスから靡くアウロラは 磨きあげた鎧のかゞやき

An aurora flapping from Polaris is radiance of armour polished up

赤い頬した幼子のつむりに ミルクの王冠をのせてすゝむ

On the noddle of a red-cheeked young child, they put a milk crown and go forth

小さな踊り子たちの旅 たからかに世界を飛びまわる

The journey of the little dancers, they run around the world highly

ながいお耳をぴんと立たせて 誇り高くどこまでも

They perk their long ears up, being proud, to wherever they go

ひそやかにこぼれた涙のあとを 銀いろの粉がふわりすべる

Over the trail of stealthily spilled tears, silver-colored powder glides fluffily

列をなす踊り子たちの旅 かろやかに世界を駆けめぐる

The journey of the parading dancers, they run around the world lightly

立派な襞襟(ラフ)を風にあそばせ 誇り高くどこまでも

They let their splendid roughs play in the wind, being proud, to wherever they go


Rat-ta-rat-ta rat-ta tan

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