それは 町のはずれの動物園
It's a zoo on the edge of town
わたしは檻の中で ふるえているのです
I am trembling inside the cage now
暗やみ 幾つもの目が光る
In the dark, a lot of eyes flash
チカチカ パチパチ
Twinkle, blinkle
This is the Darkness Zoo
夜の天幕を裂く鳴き声 宝石の色をした鬣(たてがみ)
Barking that tears the tent of the night, a mane of jewel color
渦を卷く大きな角 鞭のように宙を舞う尻尾
Swirling big horns, a tail dancing in the air like a whip
駆け巡る空想が 臆病なわたしを脅かす
Imagination running around, scares me who am a coward
自分で組み立てた ガラクタの檻は脆い
My cage made of junk put up by myself, that is fragile
世界中の何もかもが 牙をむいている気がして
Feeling like everything in the world is peeling its fangs
檻のなかで 息をひそめ
I hold my breath in the cage
And strain my eyes beyond the darkness
あっちで吠えて こっちが唸り
They howl over there, snarl in here
And I can't sleep at all tonight too
望遠鏡は檻の外で 今夜も星が見えないの
Telescope is outside the cage, so I can't see the stars tonight too
そろり 差し出した手に
On my hand that reached out quietly
I was poured cold water
Am I a naughty girl?
けだものは わたしなの?
Am I the one who is beastly?
檻の外の獣たちが 本当は美しいことを
The beasts outside the cage are actually beautiful
知っているの けれど こわいの
I know that, however, I'm scared
There is something beyond the darkness
ねえ 如何したら許してくださる
Dear sir, how could you forgive me?
Would you please punish me?
檻の鍵は どこに隠しただろう
Where did I hide the key of my cage?
あこがれた花の 棘が痛くて じぶんをとじこめたの
Since the thorns of the flower I had longed hurt me, I have locked myself up
檻の外の獣たちが 愉快な音楽の中で
The beasts outside the cage, in the merry music
引っ掻き合って 愛し合って
Scratch each other and love each other
I wonder if I can dance there too
薄汚れた裸足の娘を 誰もが指差し 嗤うだろう
Everyone will point at the shabby barefoot girl and laugh at her
But once I go out of the cage
たより無い肢でも 歩き出せる
I can start walking even with my unreliable legs
こわい こわい くらやみ
Scary scary darkness
I know I can sing anywhere