Translation of the song Sana [Out There] artist The Hunchback of Notre Dame (OST)
Sana [Out There]
Dunia ini teramat kejam
The world is really cruel
Hanya aku yang fahami sepenuh jiwa
I am the only one who understands it with full of my soul
Akulah temanmu
I am your friend
Akulah yang mengajarmu semua
I am the one who teaches all of it
Aku yang sentiasa di sisi
I am the one who is always with you
Tak mungkin dapat aku
It is impossible for me
Tinggallah sahaja di sini
You shall always remain here
Ku di sisi
I am with you
Frollo (Quasimodo)
Frollo (Quasimodo)
Tak sempurna (Tak sempurna)
Imperfect (Imperfect)
Dan menakutkan (Dan menakutkan)
And terrifying (And terrifying)
Dan dunia luar takkan memahaminya
And the world out there will not understand this
Kau takkan fahami (Engkaulah penyelamatku)
You do not understand it (You are my saviour)
Mereka 'kan panggil engkau raksasa (Aku raksasa)
They will call you as a monster (I am the monster)
Mereka 'kan benci padamu (Hanya raksasa)
They will hate you (Only a monster)
Apalah yang kaucari di luar sana?
What on earth are you looking for out there?
Di sini, setia padaku (Kusetia)
Here, be loyal to me (I am loyal to you)
Ingatlahku (Kusyukur)
Remember me (I am grateful)
Dengar kata, ingat tinggal sini (Tinggal sini)
Listen to the words, remember this, remain here (Remain here)
Di sebalik tingkap dan dinding batu ini, kulihat dunia di bawahku
Behind these windows and stone walls, I look at the world which is under me
Sepanjang hidup, tak berteman
For the whole life, I do not have any friends
Kuseorang memerhati dari duniaku
I watch it from my world, alone
Kukenal setiap wajah itu biarpun tak pernah kubersua
I recognise every face although I have never met them
Sepanjang hidup hanya satu kuinginkan
For the whole life, only one thing that I long for
'Tuk bersama dengan mereka
To be together with them
Di sana, sinar mentari
The rays of the sun there
Beriku sehari
Just give me a day
Itu sahaja untuk selamanya
That is it for forever
Sana, tak perlu keseorangan
There, I do not have to be alone
Kuberi segalanya
I give everything
Hanya sehari sahaja
It is just a day only
Di sana mereka melalui kehidupan seharian
There, they undergo their daily life
Tak pernah soalkan
It has never been questioned
Ada sahaja yang salah yang dipersalahkan
There is always a person that errs who gets blamed
Tak syukuri nikmat kehidupan
They are not grateful for the pleasures of life
Andainya itu aku, syurga di tanganku
If I were them, it feels like heavens are in my hands
Sana, sungai yang nyaman
There is a revitalising river, out there
Bagi yang biasa seperti mereka ke sini, sana
For people who are familiar with it, just like them, they will pass here and there
Aku takkan sekali, kujanjikan, akan meminta, menyesal, meronta
I will never, I promise it, beg for it, be sorry of it and struggle to be freed
Daku tak mengalah
I will never give up
Sehari, luar sana
Only a day, out there