정말 멋진 말이지!
Very splendid words!
근심과 걱정
Anxiety and worries
[티몬 & 품바]
[Timon & Pumbaa]
욕심 버리면 즐거워져
If you get rid of your desires it becomes enjoyable
이 친구가 어렸을 때
When this friend was young
내가 아주 어렸을 때!
When I was very young!
[티몬, 말하며]
[Timon, speaking]
[품바, 말하며]
[Pumbaa, speaking]
밥을 먹고 나면 모두 도망갔어
After each meal he ate, everyone ran away
그의 트림 냄새가 너무 지독해서
The smell of his belching was so terrible
미련해 보여도 예민하단 말이야
Though I seem stupid, I'm sensitive
얼마나 속이 상했는지 몰라
You don't know how hurt I was
이름을 바꿨지!
I changed my name!
바꾼다고 되나?
You say you changed it?
너무 실망해서
I was so discouraged
그 다음부터 난...
From then on I...
애 앞에서 그 얘긴 빼!
In front of the child, leave out that story!
[티몬 & 품바]
[Timon & Pumbaa]
정말 멋진 말이지
Very splendid words
근심과 걱정
Anxiety and worries
[티몬, 말하며]
[Timon, speaking]
욕심 버리면
If you get rid of your desires
[티몬, 품바 & 심바]
[Timon, Pumbaa & Simba]
[티몬, 품바 & 심바]
[Timon, Pumbaa & Simba]
근심과 걱정
Anxiety and worries
[티몬, 품바 & 심바]
[Timon, Pumbaa & Simba]
욕심 버리면 즐거워요
If you get rid of your desires it's enjoyable