O mon jardin d´eau fraîche et d´ombre
Oh my garden of fresh water and shadows,
Ma danse d´être mon cœur sombre
My dance of being my dark heart,
Mon ciel des étoiles sans nombre
My sky of countless stars,
Ma barque au loin douce à ramer
My boat off sweet to row.
Heureux celui qui devient sourd
Happy is the one who becomes deaf
Au chant s´il n´est de son amour
Of listening to the singing of his love.
Aveugle au jour d´après son jour
Blind of the day after the end,
Ses yeux sur toi seule fermés
His eyes closed on you only.
Heureux celui qui meurt d´aimer
Happy is the one who dies from love.
Heureux celui qui meurt d´aimer
Happy is the one who dies from love.
D´aimer si fort ses lèvres closes
Of loving so hard his lips closed
Qu´il n´ait besoin de nulle chose
That they don't need more than
Hormis le souvenir des roses
The memory of roses
A jamais de toi parfumées
Forever perfumed of you.
Celui qui meurt même à douleur
Even the one who dies in pain,
A qui sans toi le monde est leurre
For whom the world is a lie without you,
Et n´en retient que tes couleurs
Who only remembers your colours from it,
Il lui suffit qu´il t´ait nommée
He only needs your name to be called.
Heureux celui qui meurt d´aimer
Happy is the one who dies from love.
Heureux celui qui meurt d´aimer
Happy is the one who dies from love.
Mon enfant dit-il ma chère âme
My child, he said, my dear soul
Le temps de te connaître ô femme
The time to get to know you oh woman
L´éternité n´est qu´une pâme
Eternity is just a wonderment.
Au feu dont je suis consumé
To the fire that consumes me.
Il a dit ô femme et qu´il taise
He said oh woman, and he musn't say
Le nom qui ressemble à la braise
The name that resembles ember,
A la bouche rouge à la fraise
Red strawberry mouth,
A jamais dans ses dents formée
Forever formed between his teeth.
Heureux celui qui meurt d´aimer
Happy is the one who dies from love.
Heureux celui qui meurt d´aimer
Happy is the one who dies from love.
Il a dit ô femme et s´achève
He said oh woman, and this is how
Ainsi la vie, ainsi le rêve
Life ends, dream ends.
Et soit sur la place de grève
And be on the square of strike
Ou dans le lit accoutumé
Or in the usual bed.
Jeunes amants vous dont c´est l´âge
Young lovers,
Entre la ronde et le voyage
Between the circle and the travel.
Fou s´épargnant qui se croit sage
Madman sparing himself who thinks he is wise.
Criez à qui vous veut blâmer
Scream at who would try and blame you.
Heureux celui qui meurt d´aimer
Happy is the one who dies from love.
Heureux celui qui meurt d´aimer
Happy is the one who dies from love.