Translation of the song DOC와 춤을 artist DJ DOC
DOC와 춤을
Dance With Doc
젓가락질 잘해야만 밥을 먹나요
do you have to be good at using chopsticks to eat?
잘못해도 서툴러도 밥 잘먹어요
I'm not good and I'm slow, but I still eat well
그러나 주위사람 내가 밥 먹을 때 한마디씩 하죠
but every time I eat, people always point it out
너 밥상에 불만있냐
do you have a problem with eating?
옆집 아저씨와 밥을 먹었지
I ate with the ahjussi next door
그 아저씨 내 젓가락질 보고 뭐라 그래
the ahjussi complained about how I use my chopsticks
하지만 난 이게 좋아 편해 밥만 잘먹지
but I like this way, it's comfortable, and I can eat well
나는 나에요 상관말아요
I'm just me, don't mind me
청바지 입고서 회사에 가도
even if I wear jeans to work,
깔끔하기만 하면 괜찮을 텐데
it would be okay as long as they're clean
여름교복이 반바지라면
if the summer uniform was shorts
깔끔하고 시원해 괜찮을 텐데
it would be okay because it's clean and cool
사람들눈 의식하지 말아요
don't worry about other people's eyes
즐기면서 살아갈 수 있어요
just live life to the fullest
내개성에 사는 세상이에요
the world is meant to have individuality
자신을 만들어 봐요
make your own identity
춤을 추고 싶을때는 춤을 춰요
dance when you want to dance
할아버지 할머니도 춤을 춰요
even the grandmothers and grandfathers
그깟나이 무슨 상관이에요
who cares about age?
다같이 춤을 춰봐요 이렇게
let's all dance together like this
뒤통수가 이뻐야만 빡빡미나요
do you have to have a pretty head to shave your hair?
나는 뒤통수가 안 예뻐도 빡빡밀어요
my head isn't pretty, but I still shave my hair
그러나 주위사람 내머리를 보며 한마디씩
but every time someone sees my head, they all say something
하죠 너 사회에 불만있냐
(do you have a problem with society?)
옆집 아저씨 반짝 대머리
the ahjussi next door has a shiny bald head
옆 머리로 속알머리 감추려고 애써요
he tried to hide it with his side hair
억지로 빗어넘긴 머리 약한모습 이에요
but it looks dumb
감추지 마요 빡빡밀어요
don't hide it, shave your head proudly!
청바지 입고서 회사에 가도
even if I wear jeans to work,
깔끔하기만 하면 괜찮을 텐데
it would be okay as long as they're clean
여름교복이 반바지라면
if the summer uniform was shorts
깔끔하고 시원해 괜찮을 텐데
it would be okay because it's clean and cool
사람들눈 의식하지 말아요
don't worry about other people's eyes
즐기면서 살아갈 수 있어요
just live life to the fullest
내개성에 사는 세상이에요
the world is meant to have individuality
자신을 만들어 봐요
make your own identity
노래하고 싶을때는 노래해요
sing when you want to sing
할아버지 할머니도 노래해요
even the grandmothers and grandfathers
그깟나이 무슨 상관이에요
who cares about age?
다같이 노래해 봐요 이렇게
let's all sing together like this