Translation of the song Dragoste N-Am artist Raluka
Dragoste N-Am
I don't have love
Asta-i piesa despre fete
This is a song about girls
Fetele care adora sa se imbete
The girls who love to get drunk
Cu fericire, fara sentimente
Happily, without feelings
Macar o data sa se simta libere, sa simta
Just for once to feel free, to feel free
Boxele la maxim, shot dupa shot
Speakers at the max, shot after shot
Sunt dependente de iubire, cautand sa se mai rupa de rutina
They're addicted to love, looking to break from routine
De tot ce provoaca stres
From everything which causes stress
Azi nu vor decat sa fie sigure ca ai inteles ca
Today they don't want to do anything but be sure that you've understood that
Nu-i loc de povesti, nu-ti imagina nimic
There's no room for stories, don't imagine anything
Nu-i ca si cand dragostea ar fi la plic
It's not like when love was packaged
Nu te agita, n-o sa fie nimic
Don't get excited, it won't be anything
S-ar putea sa te surprinda, stii ce zic
It would surprise you, you know what I'm saying
Dragoste n-am, dar putem sa facem
I don't have love, but we can do it
Dragoste n-am, dar putem sa facem
I don't have love, but we can do it
Iti dau o mie de lei chirie
I'm giving you 1000 lei1 as rent
Pastreaza-ti sufletul si trupul da-mi-l mie
Hold onto your heart and give your body to me
Dragoste n-am, dar putem sa facem
I don't have love, but we can do it
Dragoste n-am, dar putem sa facem
I don't have love, but we can do it
Iti dau o mie de lei chirie
I'm giving you 1000 lei as rent
Pastreaza-ti sufletul si trupul da-mi-l mie
Hold onto your heart and give your body to me
Asta-i piesa despre tipe
This is a song about chicks
Fetele alea care nu pot sa nu tipe
Those girls who can't not cry out
De fericire c-au scapat o clipa
Out of happiness because they've escaped for a moment
Macar o seara sa se simta libere, sa simta
Just for an evening to feel free, to feel free
Boxele la maxim, shot dupa shot
Speakers at the max, shot after shot
Sunt dependente de iubire, cautand sa se mai rupa de rutina
They're addicted to love, looking to break from routine
De tot ce provoaca stres
From everything which causes stress
Azi nu vor decat sa fie sigure ca ai inteles ca
Today they don't want to do anything but be sure that you've understood that
Nu-i loc de povesti, nu-ti imagina nimic
There's no room for stories, don't imagine anything
Nu-i ca si cand dragostea ar fi la plic
It's not like when love was packaged
Nu te agita, n-o sa fie nimic
Don't get excited, it won't be anything
S-ar putea sa te surprinda, stii ce zic
It would surprise you, you know what I'm saying
Dragoste n-am, dar putem sa facem
I don't have love, but we can do it
Dragoste n-am, dar putem sa facem
I don't have love, but we can do it
Iti dau o mie de lei chirie
I'm giving you 1000 lei as rent
Pastreaza-ti sufletul si trupul da-mi-l mie
Hold onto your heart and give your body to me
Dragoste n-am, dar putem sa facem
I don't have love, but we can do it
Dragoste n-am, dar putem sa facem
I don't have love, but we can do it
Iti dau o mie de lei chirie
I'm giving you 1000 lei as rent
Pastreaza-ti sufletul si trupul da-mi-l mie
Hold onto your heart and give your body to me
Nu-i loc de povesti, nu-ti imagina nimic
There's no room for stories, don't imagine anything
Nu-i ca si cand dragostea ar fi la plic
It's not like when love was packaged
S-ar putea sa te surprinda, stii ce zic
Don't get excited, it won't be anything
Dragoste n-am, dar putem sa facem
I don't have love, but we can do it
Dragoste n-am, dar putem sa facem
I don't have love, but we can do it
Iti dau o mie de lei chirie
I'm giving you 1000 lei as rent
Pastreaza-ti sufletul si trupul da-mi-l mie
Hold onto your heart and give your body to me
Dragoste n-am, dar putem sa facem
I don't have love, but we can do it
Dragoste n-am, dar putem sa facem
I don't have love, but we can do it
Iti dau o mie de lei chirie
I'm giving you 1000 lei as rent
Pastreaza-ti sufletul si trupul da-mi-l mie
Hold onto your heart and give your body to me