Translation of the song Zbor artist Raluka



English translation


Ti-am spus, nu o data, sa nu crezi tot ce zic ei

I told you, not once, to don't believe what they say

Ei nu stiu cum doare, nu stiu ce inseamna sa se afunde in ochii tai

They don't know how it hurts, they don't know what means to to sink in your eyes

Stiu, pare o scena in alb-negru la cinema

I know, it seems a black-white scene at Cinema

Dar eu nu ma ascund, nu vreau sa sufar prea mult, dar nici nu strig dupa altcineva

But I don't hide, I don't want to suffer too much, but neither I don't scream after someone

Imi place aici

And I like it here

Nu ma lasi, dar nici nu te complici

You don't tel me, but neither you to indulge

Ma gonesti, dupa aceea ma strigi

You make me gone, then you call me

Sa ma aduci inapoi

To bring me back

Si nu vreau sa cred ca nu-ti pasa

And I don't want to believe that you don't care

Cand lumea mea se descoasa

When my world unstitches

Ai transformat in scrum tot

You've transformed all in ashes

Ce-am construit amandoi

What we've bought together

Cand in zbor eu cad

When in flight I fall

Te strig cand tac

I call you when I quiet

Nu pot sa traiesc

I can't live

Atata timp cat te mai iubesc

As long as I love you

Cand in zbor eu cad

When in flight I fall

Te strig cand tac

I call you when I shut up

Nu pot sa traiesc

I can't live

Atata timp cat te mai iubesc

As long as I love you anymore

Ma mint ca nu doare, cand stiu ca nu esti al meu

I lie to myself that it doesn't hurt, when I know that you are not mine

Acum, cand e alta, n-o lasa sa creada in tot ce am crezut si eu

Now, when it's another girl, don't let her beleive in all I believed myself

Stiu, pare o drama, dar nu e un film color

I know, it seems a dramma, but there is no a color movie

Nu vreau sa ma bag, dar nici nu stiu cum sa tac cand am nevoie de ajutor

I don't wanna get into, but also I don't know how to shut upwhen I need help

Sa stii ca-i place aici

And you know that she likes here

N-o lasi, dar nici nu te complici

Don't let her, but neither to indulge

O gonesti, dupa aceea o strigi

You make her gone, then you call her

Sa o aduci inapoi

To bring her back

Si nu vreau sa cred ca nu-ti pasa

And I don't want to believe that you don't care

De alta parada in plasa

When my world undo

Vreau doar sa ii explici

You've transformed all in ashes

Ce se intampla cu voi

What we've bought together

Cand in zbor eu cad

When in flight I fall

Te strig cand tac

I call you when I quiet

Nu pot sa traiesc

I can't live

Atata timp cat te mai iubesc

As long as I love you anymore

Cand in zbor eu cad

When in flight I fall

Te strig cand tac

I call you when I quiet

Nu pot sa traiesc

I can't live

Atata timp cat te mai iubesc

As long as I love you anymore

Cand in zbor eu cad

When in flight I fall

Te strig cand tac

I call you when I quiet

Nu pot sa traiesc

I can't live

Atata timp cat te mai iubesc

As long as I love you anymore

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