Translation of the song Zvony Notre Dame [The bells of Notre Dame] artist The Hunchback of Notre Dame (OST)
Zvony Notre Dame [The bells of Notre Dame]
The Bells Of Notre Dame
Ráno vždy prebúdza Paríž
Every morning Paris is woken up
Ten tón zvonov chrámu Notre Dame.
By the bells of Notre Dame.
Aj rybár, aj pekár už poznajú zvon
Even fisherman and baker already know the bell
Čo znie z chrámu Notre Dame.
Which rings in the Notre Dame Cathedral.
Veľký zvon ako búrka tu duní,
The big one sounds as a storm,
Malý spieva jak stíchnutý žalm.
The small one sings as a quiet psalm.
A niektorí vravia, že Paríž má dušu.
Some say that Paris has a soul
A tá je v chráme Notre Dame.
And this soul is in Notre Dame.
Príbeh sa začal v tme, na rieke,
The story began in the darkness, upon the river
Tam poblíž chrámu Notre Dame.
Near the Notre Dame Cathedral.
Niekoľko cigánov ticho sa plavilo
Few gypsies were quietly sailing
K chrámu Notre Dame.
To the Notre Dame Cathedral.
Ale náhle sa prístav stal pascou,
But suddenly the harbor became a trap,
Ach, tá hrôza v tme číhal tam
Such a nightmare, in that darkness there was
Sám diabol, krutá a bezcitná postava tvrdá sťa kov,
The devil, cruel and heartless figure, hard as a metal,
Kov zvonov z Notre dame.
Metal of the bells of Notre Dame.
Sudca Frolo,
The judge Frolo
Zlo a hriechy zo sveta chcel zniesť,
Who wanted to destroy all the evil and sins.
Všade videl samú skazenosť,
He saw viciousness everywhere
Len v sebe nie.
But not in himself.
Hľaď na tú preliatu nevinnú krv,
Look at this innocent blood
Ktorou znesvatil si chrám.
With what have you defiled the church
A teraz krv tohto dieťaťa chceš
And now you want to add this kid´s blood
Pridať k svojim podlostiam.
To your turpitudes.
Luhaj sám sebe a svojim verným,
Lie to yourself or to your faithful ones.
Vrav si, ja čisté svedomie mám.
Tell yourself, I have a clean conscience
Ty však vieš, že sa pred pravdou neschováš,
But you know, you can never hide the truth.
Každý tvoj hriech potrestá
All of your sins will be punished
Náš chrám Notre Dame.
By our Notre Dame Cathedral.
Vtomto mocný pán a vládca
Suddenly this powerful man and leader
Hádam prvýkrát dostal strach,
Became frightened, maybe for the first time in his life
Že jeho dušu môže stihnúť pád.
That his soul may fall down.
Len ho niekam zavri,
Just lock him somewhere
Kde ho neuvidí nik.
Where nobody can see him.
Ešte sa mi môže hodiť
Maybe I willl need him
Na nejaký trik,
For some kind of trick.
Ten nešťastník.
He´s such a wretch.
Tú záhadu záhad snáď vyriešia nám zvony chrámu Notre Dame.
Those bells of Notre Dame may solve this mystery.
Kto z nich je netvor a kto z nich je pán?
Who is the monster and who is the leader?
Spievaj zvon, zvon, zvon, zvon, zvon, zvon, zvon, zvon chrámu Notre Dame.
Sing bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, the bell of Notre Dame.