Translation of the song 君のために artist Psychic Lover
For You~ †A Merry Christmas To You
飾り付けられた 街路樹を眺める
Looking at the decorated trees on the street
恋人達の笑顔が あふれてる街角二人
The street corners are filled with the smiles of lovers
みんなの願いが 叶えられる夜
Tonight everyone’s wishes will come true
またこの日を君と この場所で迎えられるよ
I will be able to meet with you again
Silent night 覚えてるかい?
Silent night Do you remember?
初めてのキスは 冷たい風の中で
That first kiss is in the cold wind
Silent night 白い息 透きとおる
Silent night Our breath white and transparent
While we gazed into the sky
君のために できることを探そう
I would do anything for you
君の夢に 僕の夢を重ねよう
No matter how far our dreams take us
君をのせて 確かめたい どこまで行けるか
Where you go, I will follow
As the flickering fire whispers
Merry Christmas to you
Merry Christmas to you
Please, God stop time at this very moment
雪がちらつく窓の外 キャンドルの灯りが照らす
As the light from the candle reflects the falling snow outside the window
My goal tonight is to confide what is in my heart to you
今ならば最後まで 走れそうな気がしているよ
Right now, I feel as if I could run on and on
Holy night ショーウインドウに映る僕らは
Holy Night we look upon our reflections in the shop windows
As we walk shoulder to shoulder
Holy night 手を握りしめていた
Holy Night a warm feeling flows through me
As I reach out to hold your hand
君のために 迷わない 強くなる
You will never waver, your dreams will give strength
君の夢に 捧げるよ この声を
Raise your voice
君をのせて 抱きしめたい どこまでも行こう
I will go anywhere as long as I have you in my arms
Holy Night as I whisper
Merry Christmas to you
Merry Christmas to you
Come with me my sweet
Come with me my sweet
さぁ そばにおいでよ
Now, be by my side
Now & Forever
Now & Forever
The two of us are connected by this bond
君のために できることを探そう
I would do anything for you
君の夢に 僕の夢を重ねよう
No matter how far our dreams take us
君をのせて 確かめたい どこまで行けるか
Where you go, I will follow
As the flickering fire whispers
Merry Christmas to you
Merry Christmas to you