Translation of the song يا رب ارحمهم | Ya Rabb Erhamhom [God, Help The Outcast] artist The Hunchback of Notre Dame (OST)

Arabic (other varieties)

يا رب ارحمهم | Ya Rabb Erhamhom [God, Help The Outcast]

English translation

God, Be Merciful Upon Them

قلبي دقاته تناديلك

The beats of my heart call upon you

يللي رزقت الطير

You who have bestowed his blessings upon the birds

قلبي ده عارف سبيلك

My heart knows your way

قلبي كله خير

My heart is full of kindness

ايوى عارفة اني وحدة من الفقرا الغلبانين

Yes, I know that I am one of the poor1 impoverished ones

بس أنا عشمانة النهارده يرتاح كل المظلومين

But I am hopeful today that all the oppressed will be set at ease

يا رب ارحمهم هم أهلي

God, be merciful upon them.. [as] they are my people

خلي طريقهم كله مليان خير

let their path be filled with goodness2

يا رب ساعدهم دول ناس مساكين

God, help them; [as] they are poor people

انت ناصرهم ليهم غيرك مين

You are their savior, whom else do they have but you?

اديني مال

Give me money

اديني غاه

Give me power3

اديني قوى عشان اعيش مرتاح

Give me strength to live at ease

اعيش حياة من غير عذاب

To live a life without suffering

طالبين رضاك وكمان عطفك نحتاج ليه

We ask for your clemency4 and we need your kindness too

يا رب مش طالبة غير اني اعيش

God, I don't ask for anything but to [be able to] live

في غيري كثير في الحظ منا فيش

There many people other than me who have no luck

يا رب ساعدهم رافعين اديهم

God help them; they are raising their hands5

مدلهم ايدك دول ناس مساكين

Stretch your hand out to them; they are poor people

انت ناصرهم مين غيرك مين ؟

You are their savior, whom else do they have but you?

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