La facultate-n colţ râde ceasul,
At the faculty, in the corner, the clock is laughing
dar oamenii din jur nu-i ştiu glasul
but the people around don't know it's voice
El însă a ghicit - tot privind an de an
He had a guess - looking year after year
de ce se uită ei pe furiş spre cadran
why they're looking fastly to the dial
Mă uit şi eu aşa ca-ntr-o doară
I'm looking the same way, for the fun of it,
s-a dus înc-un minut - timpul zboară
a minutet went by - time is flying
dar ceasul cel şiret ştie cât mi-e de dor
but the clock is sneaky, it knows how I long
şi-mi spune-ncetişor:
and is telling me softly:
tic-tac, a trecut
tick-tock, went by
Secundele vin
The seconds are coming
dar stau prea puţin
but they're sitting too little
S-a dus un sfert de ceas, timpul zboară,
A quarter of an hour went by, time is flying
sunt cald, aprind din nou o ţigară
I'm feeling warm, lighting again a cigarette
atâţia tineri vin câte unul şi-apoi
so many youngsters are coming one by one and then
pornesc perechi la braţ, câte doi, câte doi
they're walking two by two, arm in arm
Ziceai că judeci omul din fapte
You're saying that you're judging the man by his actions
Poftim, chiar tu mi-ai zis: ora şapte!
Well, look: actually you told me: 7 o'clock!
Şi ceasul ăsta, ah, de-aş putea, i-aş da foc
And this clock, if I could, I'd set it on fire
Nu vrea să stea de loc
Doesn't want to sit...
ce greu a trecut
tick-tock, went by
Privesc la cadran
I'm watching the dial
Şi-mi pare un an
and it seems an year for me!
Sunt 45 de minute
45 minutes...
Pachetul l-ai fumat, haide, du-te
You smoked your cigarette pack, come and go
Dar dacă ochii dragi vin senini, cui să-i cer
but if those deary eyes are coming smiling, who am-I gonna ask?
Mă uit la ceas - ce văd - şapte fără un sfert!
I'm watching the clock - what do I see? - quarter to seven!
Misteru-acesta-mi pune probleme:
This mistery is giving me problems:
De ce-am venit cu-un ceas mai devreme?
Why did I come an hour earlyer?
Dar ceasul dă din cap cu mustrări părinteşti:
But the clock is shaking its head with parental words:
Se-ntâmplă când iubeşti
It's happening when you're in love!
tic-tac, a trecut
tick-tock, went by
Secundele vin
The seconds are coming
dar stau prea puţin
but they're sitting too little