Translation of the song -) Ой, у полі, в полі (II artist Ukrainian Folk


-) Ой, у полі, в полі (II

English translation

Oh, in the Field, the Field There (II)

Ой, у полі, в полі

Oh, in the field, the field there,

Замітна стаєнка -

stood a little stable.

Там Ісусик народився,

There dear Jesus has been born,

Малинька дитинка.

the little Child of God.

Пастушки у полі

The shepherds in the fields there,

Овечок стерегли,

were watching their sheep,

Як учули про Ісуса -

When they all heard the good news (of Jesus),

Скорийко прибігли.

They quickly ran to greet Him.

Прибігли, прибігли,

Quickly running, quickly running,

Стали звідувати:

They stood there asking,

Чи дозволиш Божа Мати

Will the Blessed Mother of God,

Ісуса видати.

allow us all to greet Him.

Видали, видали,

Having greeted, having greeted

І стали просити:

They then began asking:

Чи дозволиш Божа Мати

Will the Blessed Mother of God,

Ісусові грати.

Allow Jesus to play now.

Іграли, іграли,

We did play, we did play,

А стали просити:

And they then were asking:

Чи дозволиш Божа Мати

Will the Blessed Mother of God,

Ісуса просити.

Allow us to ask of Jesus .

Просиме тя дуже,

I ask you oh so sincerely,

Малинький Ісусе,

Oh my little Jesus,

Даруй літа щасливії

Grant many, many,happy years

Сему господару.

to this husbandry.

Сему господару,

To this here farmer,

Сеї господині,

To this here his mistress,

Даруй літа щасливії

Grant them many happy years

Всі його родині!

To all his family!

Просиме тя дуже,

Oh Jesus, dear Jesus,

Малинький Ісусе,

I ask you so sincerely,

Даруй літа щасливії

Grant many fortunate years

Подкарпатській Русі!

To our Carpathian Russ! ( Ukraine)

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