Translation of the song Reve Ta Stohne Dnip Shypokij -Реве та стогне Днiпр широкий artist Ukrainian Folk
Reve Ta Stohne Dnip Shypokij -Реве та стогне Днiпр широкий
It Roars and groans the Wide Dnipir
Реве та стогне Днiпр широкий,
It roars and groans the wide Dnipir,
Сердитий вiтер завива,
An angry wind there does blow,
Додолу верби гне високi,
Bending the tall willows down so low,
Горами хвилю пiдiйма.
The waves in mountains are lifted up.
I блiдий мiсяць на ту пору,
And the pale moon at that moment,
Iз хмари де-де виглядав,
Among the clouds, here and there peeks out,
Неначе човен в синiм морi
As like a boat upon the blue sea
То виринав, то потопав.
It does rise and it does fall.
Ще третi пiвнi не спiвали,
Yet the third roosters have not crowed,
Нiхто нiде не гомонiв,
No one, nowhere has made a sound,
Сичi в гаю перекликались,
The owls in the glen have called to each other,
Та ясен раз-у-раз скрипiв.
And the ash tree one after another does creak.