Translation of the song А Hад Cтавом Bербa artist Ukrainian Folk


А Hад Cтавом Bербa

English translation

There o're the pond a Willow

Я тобі сказав не надовго йду.

I had told you I'll not be gone for long.

Повернусь як сад буде у цвіту.

I'll return as soon as the garden blooms.

А над ставом вербонька похилилася.

And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.

Ой не довго дівчино ти журилася.

Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.

А над ставом вербонька похилилася.

And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.

Ой не довго дівчино ти журилася.

Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.

Тільки дві весни не вертався я.

It was only for two springs that I did not return.

Закрутила так доленька моя.

It was such a twisted fate that I had,

А над ставом вербонька похилилася.

And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.

Ой не довго дівчино ти журилася.

Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.

А над ставом вербонька похилилася.

And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.

Ой не довго дівчино ти журилася.

Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.

Тільки дві весни не вертався я.

It was only for two springs that I did not return.

А коли прийшов ти вже не моя.

And when I had returned you were no longer mine.

А над ставом вербонька похилилася.

And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.

Ой не довго дівчино ти журилася.

Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.

А над ставом вербонька похилилася.

And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.

Ой не довго дівчино ти журилася

Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.

Став старий не спить, очерет шумить.

Now grown old I don't sleep, there the rustling reeds .

Як без тебе я в світі буду жить.

How will I now live in the world without you.

А над ставом вербонька похилилася.

And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so

Ой не довго дівчино ти журилася.

Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.

А над ставом вербонька похилилася.

And o'er the pond a willow has leaned down so.

Ой не довго дівчино ти журилася.

Oh it was not for long, girl, that you were sad.

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