Translation of the song 2 anonimi artist Randi


2 anonimi

English translation

2 nobodies

Eu nu pot sa ma schimb

I can't change myself

Nu, in acelasi timp

No, at the same time

Plantez in mine frustrari, tari, mari

I plant frustration, countries, seas, in myself

In care ma pierd

In which I lose myself

Ma pierd pe mine si nu mai pot sa cred

I lose myself and I can't believe anymore

Tu, tu nu mai vrei sa fiu eu

You, you don't want me to be me anymore

Dar oare tu, ai fost tu mereu

But were you always you?

Arunca tu prima piatra

You, throw your first stone

Stii ca si tu esti vinovata

You know that you're guilty, too

Si daca pleci sa pleci cu inima curata

And if you leave, leave with a clean heart

Si tot ce fac acum imi pare inutil

And everything I do now seems useless to me

Ard in mine iar si iar, fara fitil

They burn in me again and again, without a fuse

Sa nu spui Nu niciodata

Never say no

Dar cum sa spui mereu

But how can you say always

Cand tu nu mai esti si eu nu mai sunt eu

When you're not here anymore and I'm not me anymore

Ca doi anonimi ne temem de singuratate

Like two nobodies, we fear loneliness

Fara sa stim stam impreuna, spate-n spate

Without knowing, we stay together, back to back

Nici nu iubim, de frica sa fii singur

We don't even love, be alone out of fear

Nici nu fugim

We don't even run

Ca doi anonimi ne temem de singuratate

Like two nobodies, we fear loneliness

Fara sa stim stam impreuna, spate-n spate

Without knowing, we stay together, back to back

Nici nu iubim, de frica sa fii singur

We don't even love, be alone out of fear

Nici nu fugim

We don't even run

Oamenii-s niste oglinzi

People are mirrors

Ma vinzi, pe tine te vinzi

You sell me, you sell yourself

Ma minti, pe tine te minti

You lie to me, you lie to yourself

‘S pacatos, nu putem fi sfinti

I'm a sinner, we can't be saints

Nu putem fi decat ce suntem

We can't be anything more than we already are

Nu ma schimb, nu te schimbi

I don't change myself, you don't change yourself

Nici daca vrem

Not even if we want to

Blocati, baby, in noi si tot ce avem

Stuck, baby, in us and all that we have

Noi, doi anonimi si asta-i ultimul tren

Us, two nobodies and this is the last train

Nu exista greseli, baby

Mistakes don't exist, baby

Ca noi suntem o greseala

Because we're a mistake

Si, singur nu-mi gasesc muza

And, I can't find my muse alone

Eu foaie si tu cerneala

I, paper, and you, ink

Mai scrie straino o poveste despre tine

Write, stranger, another story about yourself

Pe inima ai inca o coala

On your heart, you still have another sheet

Paharele noastre sunt pline

Our glasses are full

Si camera noastra prea goala

And our room too empty

Ca doi anonimi ne temem de singuratate

Like two nobodies, we fear loneliness

Fara sa stim stam impreuna, spate-n spate

Without knowing, we stay together, back to back

Nici nu iubim, de frica sa fii singur

We don't even love, be alone out of fear

Nici nu fugim

We don't even run

Ca doi anonimi ne temem de singuratate

Like two nobodies, we fear loneliness

Fara sa stim stam impreuna, spate-n spate

Without knowing, we stay together, back to back

Nici nu iubim, de frica sa fii singur

We don't even love, be alone out of fear

Nici nu fugim

We don't even run

Ca doi anonimi…

Like two nobodies . . .

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