Translation of the song Летіла зозуля -2 artist Ukrainian Folk


Летіла зозуля -2

English translation

The cuckoo did fly -2

Летіла зозуля з гори на долину

The cuckoo had flown from, on high down below here

Тай сіла зозуля на тую калину. (x2)

and sat the cuckoo, on that there Kalyna (x2)

Летіла зозуля та й стала кувати.

The cuckoo had flown in, and started cuckooing

Ой то не зозуля, то рідная мати. (x2)

Oh, that's not a cuckoo, that's my dear mother. (x2)

Ой то не зозуля, то рідная мати,

Oh, that's not a cuckoo, that's my dear mother,

Вона полетіла дочку визволяти. (x2)

She had flown out so, to free (save) her daughter. (x2)

Якби мати знала, яка мені біда,

If my mother only knew, what trouble I have,

Вона б передала горобчиком хліба. (x2)

She would get the sparrow, to bring me some bread. (x2)

Горобчиком хліба, голубкою солі.

From the Sparrow she'd sent bread, from a dove she'd sent salt.

Ой, мамо, ой, мамо, як тяжко без долі. (x2)

Oh, mother, oh, mother, how hard it is without a good fate.

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