Translation of the song Dependent artist Randi
Dependent de tine
Addicted to you
Iar nu pot sa mai adorm
And I can't fall asleep anymore
Cand nu esti, parca ma transform
When you aren't there, it's as if I transform
Si iara ne iubim default
And we love by default again
Tu stii ca sunt dependent
You know that I'm addicted
Te vreau din nou adanc in mintea mea
I want you again, deep in my mind
Fara control asupra ta
Without control over you
Sa faci ce vrei cu pielea mea
Do what you want with my skin
Pune, pune, pune
Put, put, put
Pune cate putin
Put it on me a little more
Pe mine, mine, mine
On me, me, me
Rosu, tot soi de vin
Red, all kinds of wine
Lasa-mi urme de iubire si pleaca
Leave me traces of love and leave
Prefa-te ca-i ultima data
Pretend that it's the last time
Poate tu
Maybe you
Tu vii cand vrei si imi iei tot
You come when you want and take everything from me
De rau ce-mi e, parca mai pot
How bad it is for me, it's as if I still can
Sa te las pana-n zori
Leave you by dawn
Langa mine sa mori
Die next to me
Poate tu
Maybe you
Tu crezi ca nu e dragoste
You think that it isn't love
Ce simti in piept, tu, noptile
That you're feeling in your chest, the nights
Cand imi strigi numele
When you cry out my name
Eu va aud, iubire
I hear you, love
De felu-n care suna vocea ta
To the way your voice sounds
Vocea ta-n urechea mea
Your voice in my ear
Cand ma arunc pe pielea ta
When I throw myself onto your skin
Tu stii ca sunt dependent
You know that I'm addicted
Cand nu te am, imi fierbe sangele
When I don't have you, my blood boils
Ma trec toate caldurile
I get chills
Imi iau foc toate iernile
All my winters catch fire
Pune, pune, pune
Put, put, put
Pune cate putin
Put it on me a little more
Pe mine, mine, mine
On me, me, me
Rosu, tot soi de vin
Red, all kinds of wine
Lasa-mi urme de iubire si pleaca
Leave me traces of love and leave
Prefa-te ca-i ultima data
Pretend that it's the last time
Poate tu
Maybe you
Tu vii cand vrei si imi iei tot
You come when you want and take everything from me
De rau ce-mi e, parca mai pot
How bad it is for me, it's as if I still can
Sa te las pana-n zori
Leave you by dawn
Langa mine sa mori
Die next to me
Poate tu
Maybe you
Tu crezi ca nu e dragoste
You think that it isn't love
Ce simti in piept, tu, noptile
That you're feeling in your chest, the nights
Cand imi strigi numele
When you cry out my name
Eu va aud, iubire
I hear you, love
Spune, spune
Say, say
Spune ca iubirea n-are nume
Say that love doesn't have a name
Tu poate ca vrei sa ma minti
Maybe you want to lie to me
Dar chipul tau spune ce simti
But your face says what you're feeling
M-ai facut dependent
You've made me addicted
De dragostea ta
To your love
Si nu pot sa adorm
And I can't fall asleep
Daca nu esti pe pielea mea
If you aren't on my skin
De ce lasi sa ma bata dorurile
Why do you let the desires beat me
O sa leg inima ta de toate pernele
I'll tie your heart to all the pillows
Si toate noptile vor fi
And all the nights will be
Cum zic francezii, ca-n paradis
As the French say, like heaven
Poate tu
Maybe you
Poate tu
Maybe you
Tu vii cand vrei si imi iei tot
You come when you want and take everything from me
De rau ce-mi e, parca mai pot
How bad it is for me, it's as if I still can
Sa te las pana-n zori
Leave you by dawn
Langa mine sa mori
Die next to me
Poate tu
Maybe you
Tu crezi ca nu e dragoste
You think that it isn't love
Ce simti in piept, tu, noptile
That you're feeling in your chest, the nights
Cand imi strigi numele
When you cry out my name
Eu va aud, iubire…
I hear you, love...