Translation of the song Ой, верше мій, верше artist Ukrainian Folk
Ой, верше мій, верше
My Green Forest
Ой верше, мій верше
Hey the green mountain tops of mine,
Мій дзелений верше
My green forest
Уж мі так не буде
There will never be for me as
Як мі било перше
it was before
Бо перше мі било
For before for me
Барз мі добри било
It would be very good for me
Од свойой мамички
From my mother
Не ходити било
Not to walk away
Не ходити било
Not to walk
Горами лісами
by the mountains, the forests
Не любити било
Not to love the one,
З чорними очами
With the eyes of black
Не ходити било
Not to walk
Кадим я ходила
Where I walked
Не любити било
Not to love
Когом я любила
The one whom I loved
Бо когом любила
For the one whom I loved
І рада виділа
And was happy to meet
Уж я того рочку
In the very same year
Забитим мусіла
I had to forget
Не рубати било
It shouldn't be felled,
Зеленого дуба
That green oak tree
Не брати ня било
You shouldn't have taken me
Колим ти не люба
If I wasn't nice to you
Не рубати било
It shouldn't be felled
Зелену ліщину
That green nut tree
Не брати ня било
You shouldn't have taken me
Молоду дівчину
A young girl