Translation of the song Prietena ta artist Randi


Prietena ta

English translation

Your girlfriend

Cand nu esti cu ea

When you’re not with her

Prietena ta

Your girlfriend

Imi da mesaje

Sends me messages

Imi spune ca vrea

Tells me that she wants

Cand am vazut-o pentru prima data

When I saw her for the first time

Am inteles ca nu e viata fara pata

I understood that there’s no life without a stain

Si zambetul ei plin de fericire

And her smile full of happiness

Ea il mima atunci cand era cu tine

She was faking it when she was with you

Ea 20 si un pic de ani

She is 20 and something

Tu 58 si plin de bani

You are 58 and super rich

La inceput, parca totul era bine

In the beginning everything was ok

Cand o plimbai de colo-colo prin tari straine

When you took her to foreign countries

Dar pana cand sa-si vanda tineretea

But untill when she’s supposed to sell her youth

Pentru amintiri cumparate din Venetia

For memories bought from Venice

Acum a inteles, e o greseala

Now she understood, it’s a mistake

Sa iti gasesti fericirea intr-o toala

To find your happiness in clothes

Sigur, tu n-ai cum sa stii

Sure, you wouldn’t know

Ca banii nu cumpara inimi si

That money can’t buy hearts and

Cand nu esti cu ea

When you’re not with her

Prietena ta

Your girlfriend

Imi da mesaje

Sends me messages

Imi spune ca vrea

Tells me that she wants

Sa fuga de tine

To run away from you

In lume cu mine

(Run) The world with me

Caci vrea sa-mi dea

Cause she wants to give me

Tot ce tu nu poti avea

Everything that you can’t have

Iubirea n-are varsta, e adevarat

Love doesn’t have an age, it’s true

Dar stii ca ea-i cu tine ca esti putred de bogat

But you know that she’s with you because you roll in money

La prima intalnire, in loc sa-i dai o floare

At the first date, rather than give her a flower

I-ai pus pe deget un inel cu piatra cea mai mare

You’ve put on her finger the ring with the biggest stone

Ce semeni tu, asta culegi

You sow what you reap

Hai sa vedem acum cu ce-o sa te alegi

Let’s see now what you’ll gonna get

Cand ea ar da toata averea ta

When she’d give all of your fortune

Doar ca sa vada cum se simte dragostea

Just to see how love feels like

Nu stiu care-i mai frustrat

I don’t know who’s more frustrated

Tu cumperi tot, dar n-ai nimic cu adevarat

You buy everything, but you don’t really have anything

Eu, pentru tine, poate sunt sarac

Maybe fot you I'm poor

Dar pentru ea am sufletul bogat

But for her I have a rich soul

Sigur, tu n-ai cum sa stii

Sure, you wouldn’t know

Ca banii nu cumpara inimi si

That money can’t buy hearts and

Cand nu esti cu ea

When you’re not with her

Prietena ta

Your girlfriend

Imi da mesaje

Sends me messages

Imi spune ca vrea

Tells me that she wants

Sa fuga de tine

To run away from you

In lume cu mine

(Run) The world with me

Caci vrea sa-mi dea

Cause she wants to give me

Tot ce tu nu poti avea

Everything that you can’t have

Spune tu ca nu o vezi in vise

You tell me if you don’t see her in your dreams

Ca n-ai primi cu bratele deschise

That you wouldn’t receive with open arms

Daca ai stii cum e iubirea

If you knew how love is like

Ca doar ea poate schimba lumea

Cause it’s the only one that can change the world

Se duc banii tai si tineretea

Your money and youth are passing

Tu nu-ti vinde frumusetea

Do not sell your beauty

Fericirea n-o poti cumpara

You can’t buy happiness

Asculta ce iti spune inima

Listen to what your heart is saying

Cand nu esti cu ea

When you’re not with her

Prietena ta

Your girlfriend

Imi da mesaje

Sends me messages

Imi spune ca vrea

Tells me that she wants

Sa fuga de tine

To run away from you

In lume cu mine

(Run) The world with me

Caci vrea sa-mi dea

Cause she wants to give me

Tot ce tu nu poti avea

Everything that you can’t have

Cand nu esti cu ea

When you’re not with her

Prietena ta

Your girlfriend

Imi da mesaje

Sends me messages

Imi spune ca vrea

Tells me that she wants

Sa fuga de tine

To run away from you

In lume cu mine

(Run) The world with me

Caci vrea sa-mi dea

Cause she wants to give me

Tot ce tu nu poti avea

Everything that you can’t have

Cand nu esti cu ea

When you’re not with her

Prietena ta

Your girlfriend

Imi da mesaje

Sends me messages

Imi spune ca vrea

Tells me that she wants

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