Translation of the song Щожъ я буду бѣдный дѣявъ? artist Ukrainian Folk


Щожъ я буду бѣдный дѣявъ?

English translation

What Shall I a Poor Man Do

Щожъ я буду бѣдный дѣявъ,

What shall I a poor man do?

Що я жита не посѣявъ;

That I did not sow the rye;

Гречка мнѣ ся не вродила,

The buckwheat did not grow for me

Долежь моя несчастлива.

My fate is misfortune.

Сосѣдъ оре, сосѣдъ сѣе,

Every where it's plowed, everywhere

У сосѣда зеленѣе;

Everywhere it is green;

А у мене нѣ орано

But mine is not plowed

Анѣ жита не сѣяно.

The rye is not sown.

У сосѣда обороги,

Every where it's plowed,

У сосѣда повни стоги;

Every where it's full of stalks

А у мене нѣ то нивки,

and I have nothing

Нѣ то сѣна стебелиньки.

Not even a blade of hay

У сосѣда хата бѣла,

My neighbors house is white,

У сосѣда жѣнка мила;

My neighbors wife is a dear

А у мене нѣ хатинки,

But I have no house

Нѣ то счастя, нѣ то жѣнки.

Nor happiness, nor a wife.

За сосѣдомъ молодицѣ,

Behind the neighbor is a young boy

За сосѣдомъ и вдовицѣ,

Behind the neighbor there's yet a widower,

И дѣвчата поглядаютъ,

And they look at all the young girls

Бо сосѣда всѣ кохаютъ.

For they all do love the neighbor.

А я бѣдный, несчастливый,

And I am poor and unlucky,

Никто менѣ не жичливый,

There's no one lively here for me

Хоть съ которовъ ся запôзнаю,

Although of those I have known

Взаемности не дôзнаю.

They have never reciprocated my love

Одна мене полюбила,

One did so loved me

Пріятельство послюбила,

It's the friendship that she had so loved,

А потомъ въ очи сказала,

And then she said straight forward

Що николи не кохала.

That she has never yet had loved.

Чи я кому що зле радивъ?

Did I do anyone evil?

Чи я кого зъ свѣта згладивъ?

Did I dispatch anyone out from this world?

Защож мене Богъ карае?

For what is God punishing me?

Лиху долю насылае?!

Sending me such a wicked fate?!

Чи то неба така воля,

Is this the will of heaven?

Чи несчастна моя доля,

Is my fate to be misfortune

Що я жію якъ въ пустынѣ,

That I live like if in a desert?

Лѣта трачу безъ дружины.

I'm wasting away my years with no spouse.

Нема счастя, нема долѣ,

There is no joy, nor good fortune

Треба жити якъ въ неволи;

I must live as if I am in bondage;

Хиба пôйду утоплю ся,

Maybe I shall go and drown myself,

Або въ камень разôбью ся.

Or fall upon a hard stone.

Треба виджу свѣтъ кидати,

I see I must leave this world,

Прійде зъ жалю умирати!

It has come to sorrow to die!

Люде мя зненавидѣли;

The people have so despised me;

Никому вже я не милый.

To no one else I am endeared.

Пôйду межи лѣсы, горы,

I will go to the boundaries of the forests, the mountains,

Пôйду межи темни боры;

I will go to the boundaries of the dark caverns;

Тай тамъ буду смерти ждати,

And I'll await there for death come,

На недолю нарѣкати.

To complain about my misfortune.

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