Translation of the song Atgriešanās artist Aija Kukule



English translation

The Return

Ak, Dievs, vai tiešām tu tas esi,

Oh, God, is that really you

Kas tur slieksnī nostājies, nostājies?

Who's standing in threshold, standing?

Tad nāc vien iekšā, drošāk taču,

Come in, don't be shy

Ja reiz esi atgriezies, atgriezies.

If you have returned, returned

Bez tevis neslikti man klājās,

It wasn't bad without you

Bet, ja nu atkal esi mājās,

But if you are home once again

Sēdies tad līdzās man

Sit right next to me

Un pastāsti kâ gāja gan.

and tell us how how things went for you

Velns lai parauj tādu dzīvi, dzīvi, dzīvi

To hell with such life, life, life

Te mēs šķirti, te mēs divi, divi

Here we are divided, here we are united, united

Nu, klusē atkal ūdens šobrīd

Now be silent, again water currently

Tev jau mutē sasmēlies, sasmēlies.

Is flooding over your mouth.

Tu taču vienmēr esi ļoti labi

But you always were capable

Pratis izlikties, izlikties.

To pretend, pretend very good.

Tu domā asaras es lēju

You think I poured tears

Un tevi aizmirst nevarēju?

And couldn't forget you?

Mīļais mans, vajag brīd',

My dear, need a moment,

Ak, drusku pagaidīt.

Oh, to wait a little.

Velns lai parauj tādu dzīvi, dzīvi, dzīvi

To hell with such life, life, life

Te mēs šķirti, te mēs divi, divi

Here we are divided, here we are united, united

Tie esot meli. Tiešām?

These are lies. Really?

Jo es arī protot izlikties, izlikties?

Because I also can pretend, really?

Tad saki man - par ko lai es skumstu,

Then tell me - about what should I grieve,

Ja tu esi atgriezies, atgriezies?

If you have returned, returned?

Nu sēdi, kam tu kājās celies?

Then sit, why are you standing up?

Vai tiešām šajā brīdī vēlies

Do you really wish in this moment

Atkal jau projām skriet?

To run away again!

Mans mīļais, mans mīļais, pagaidi mazliet.

My dear, my dear, wait a little.

Velns lai parauj tādu dzīvi, dzīvi, dzīvi

To hell with such life, life, life

Te mēs šķirti, te mēs divi, velns lai parauj!

Here we are divided, here we are united, to hell with it!

Mans mīļais, pagaidi mazliet. Pagaidi!

My dear, my dear, wait a little. Wait!

Tu apvainojies? Es taču tâpat vien.

Are you offended? Calm down! It wasn't seriously.

Galvu augšā! Gan jau viss būs labi.

Cheer up! I'm sure everything will be fine.

Dzirdi? Nu pasmaidi. Pasmaidi!

Hear? Smile a little. Smile!

Redzi - nu tu atkal smaidi.

See - now you are smiling again.

Velns lai parauj tādu dzīvi, dzīvi, dzīvi

To hell with such life, life, life

Te mēs šķirti, te mēs divi, divi

Here we are divided, here we are united, united

Velns lai parauj tādu dzīvi, dzīvi, dzīvi

To hell with such life, life, life

Te mēs šķirti, te mēs divi, velns lai parauj tādu dzīvi!

Here we are divided, here we are united, to hell with such life!

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