Translation of the song Tavs sauciens artist Aija Kukule


Tavs sauciens

English translation

Your call

Tavs sauciens caur tumsu

Your call through the darkness

Un nenosauktu telpu

And through the unnamed room

Griež virpulī naktī

Turns in whirl in the night

Un aiztur manu elpu.

And holds my breath

Kas tu esi zem apturētām zvaigznēm

Who are you under the stopped stars

Un pulksteņu steigu?

And under the rush of clocks?

Tavs sauciens vēl gaisā

Your call is still in the air

Kâ zemzemē vēl iezis,

Like a rock under the land

Tavs sauciens šai mirklī

Your call in this moment

Ir negaidīts un viesis.

Is an unexpected guest

Kas tu esi starp apturētām zvaigznēm

Who are you between the stopped stars

Un pulksteņu steigu?

And between the rush of clocks?

Man atklājies cauri tumsai

Reveal yourself to me through the darkness

Tu, maģija baltā,

You, the white magic

Tu, maģija ļoti baltā,

You, the very white magic,

Kad divpadsmit taktis zemē krīt.

When twelve tacts are falling down.

Tavs sauciens caur tumsu

Your call through the darkness

Un nenosauktu telpu

And through the unnamed room

Griež virpulī naktī

Turns in whirl in the night

Un aiztur manu elpu.

And holds my breath

Kas tu esi zem apturētām zvaigznēm

Who are you under the stopped stars

Un pulksteņu steigu?

And under the rush of clocks?

Man atklājies cauri tumsai

Reveal yourself to me through the darkness

Tu, maģija baltā,

You, the white magic

Tu, maģija ļoti baltā,

You, the very white magic,

Kad divpadsmit taktis zemē krīt.

When twelve tacts are falling down.

Tavs sauciens vēl gaisā

Your call is still in the air

Kâ zemzemē vēl iezis

Like rock under the land

Tavs sauciens šai mirklī

Your call in this moment

Ir negaidīts un viesis.

Is an unexpected guest

Kas tu esi starp apturētām zvaigznēm?

Who are you between the stopped stars?

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