Extemporal pentru viata
Test for life
Un epilog, o prefata
An epilogue, a preface
Extemporal, extemporal
Test, test
Un cuvant scolaresc cam banal
A little common school word
Astazi la dirigentie
Today, on tutor class
Lectia oare cine-o stie
who knows the lesson
Lectia vietii vesnic vie
the forever alive lesson of life
Sa copiezi n-ai de la cine
You can't copy from another
Fiindca ce e rau sau bine
for what's good or bad
Poti afla doar de la tine
you can find only in you
Ce crezi ca e fericirea
What do you think it's happiness
Unde incepe iubirea
where does the love start?
Extemporal, extemporal
Test, test
Un cuvant scolaresc cam banal
A little common school word