Translation of the song Întâia oară ne întâlnim artist Stela Enache
Întâia oară ne întâlnim
For The First Time We Meet
--- R ---
Intaia oara ne-ntalnim, intaia oara
For the first time we meet, the first time
Si asteptarea ca un val ma infioara
And the waiting like a wave thrills me
Obrazul tau il mangai azi intaia oara
Today, for the first time I caress your cheek
Intaia oara ochii tai ii deslusesc
For the first time I understand your eyes
Si mii de vorbe nerostite amutesc
And thousand of unspoken words become silent
--- 1 ---
Cu soapte si flori
With whispers and flowers,
Cu multe scrisori
With many letters,
Bagajul banal
The ordinary luggage
Si sentimental
And sentimental,
Urcam mereu
We always climb,
Drumul nu-i greu
The way is not difficult,
Dar vai! Dar vai! Dar vai!
But woe! But woe! But woe!
--- R ---
Intaia oara ne certam intaia oara
For the first time we quarrel, the first time
Eu spun un “Nu”, tu spui un “Da” ce ma-nfioara
I say a “No”, you say an “Yes” which scares me
Dar ne-mpacam c-asa-i refrenu-ntaia oara
But we get along because like that is the refrain for the first time
Si vin certuri dulci ca astea cate-or vrea
And sweet quarrels like these come, as many they may want
Asa-i iubirea, fericirea e asa !
This is the love, the happiness is like this!
--- R ---
Intaia oara ne-ntalnim, intaia oara
For the first time we meet, the first time
Si asteptarea ca un val ma infioara
And the waiting like a wave thrills me
Obrazul tau il mangai azi intaia oara
Today, for the first time I caress your cheek
Intaia oara ochii tai ii deslusesc
For the first time I understand your eyes
Si mii de vorbe nerostite amutesc
And thousand of unspoken words become silent.
--- 2 ---
Cu soapte si flori
With whispers and flowers,
Cu multe scrisori
With many letters,
Bagajul banal
The ordinary luggage
Si sentimental
And sentimental,
Urcam mereu
We always climb,
Drumul nu-i greu
The way is not difficult,
Dar vai!Dar vai!Dar vai!
But woe! But woe! But woe!
--- R ---
Intaia oara ne certam intaia oara
For the first time we quarrel, the first time
Eu spun un “Nu”, tu spui un “Da” ce ma-nfioara
I say a “No”, you say an “Yes” which scares me
Dar ne-mpacam c-asa-i refrenu-ntaia oara
But we get along because like that is the refrain for the first time
Si vin certuri dulci ca astea cate-or vrea
And sweet quarrels like these come, as many they may want
Asa-i iubirea, fericirea e asa !
This is the love, the happiness is like this!
Param pam pam, param !
Param pam pam, param !