Translation of the song Dinge artist Deichkind
[Hook: Porky, Joey Bargeld]
[Hook: Porky, Joey Bargeld]
Kein Ding, Digga, das Ding hat Swing
No thing (problem)*, buddy, the thing has swing
Dinge geben Kingdom, Dinge nehmen alles
Things give kingdom, things take everything away
Kein Ding, Digga, das Ding hat Swing
No thing (problem), the thing has swing
Dinge geben Kingdom, Dinge nehmen alles
Things give kingdom, things take everything away
[Part 1: Porky]
[Part: Porky]
Dinge machen schön, Dinge kaufen
Things make beautiful, things are buying
Dinge aus Gold, Dinge laufen
Things made of gold, things are running
Dinge intressant, Dinge lame
Things interesting, things lame
Dinge bring'n Fokus in das Game
Things get the focus into the game
Dinge woll'n haben, alle hinterher
Things wanna have, everyone following
Dinge wegschmeißen, Dinge werden leer
Tossing things out, things are getting empty
Dinge rauchen ab, Dinge gehen nut
Things vaporize, things are converging (?)**
Dinge schneiden fette Scheiben ab
Things are following other's examples
[Bridge: Joey Bargeld]
Dinge rufen aus dem Wald
Things are calling from the woods
Dinge aus Stahl, Dinge kalt
Things made of steel, things cold
Dinge leben nicht, Dinge tot
Things aren't alive, things dead
Dinge blau, grün, weiß, rot
Things blue, green, white, red
[Part 2: Kryptik Joe]
[Part 2: Kryptik Joe]
Ich bin von Dingen irritiert, werd' von Dingen informiert, ja
I am confused by things, getting informed by things, yes
Hab' Dinge ignoriert, Dinge kommentiert
Ignored things, commented on things
Wir verschicken Dinge mit Drohnen, Dinge, die klon'n
We send things with drones, things, that clone
Irgendwann sind sie an leitenden Position'n
Someday they are in leading positions
Dinge, die uns versteh'n, alles hör'n, alles seh'n
Things that understand us, hear everything, see everything
Dinge ersetzen Menschen, Dinge übernehm'n
Things replace humans, things take over
Wünschen uns 'ne gute Fahrt, singen uns in' Schlaf
Wishing us a safe trip, sing us to sleep
Dinge in der Hand, Dinge leuchten so smart
Things in our hands, things are glowing so smart
[Pre-Hook: Kryptik Joe]
[Pre-Hook: Kryptik Joe]
Dinge machen ritsch, Dinge machen ratsch
Things go ritch, things go ratch
Girls hol'n Dinge aus der Clutch
Things take things out of the clutch
Dinge machen piff, Dinge machen paff
Things go piff, things go paff
Boys wollen Dinge in da Club
Boys want things in da club
[Hook: Porky, Joey Bargeld]
[Hook: Porky, Joey Bargeld]
Kein Ding, Digga, das Ding hat Swing
No thing (problem), buddy, the thing has swing
Dinge geben Kingdom, Dinge nehmen alles
Things give kingdom, things take everything away
Kein Ding, Digga, das Ding hat Swing
No thing (problem), the thing has swing
Dinge geben Kingdom, Dinge nehmen alles (ey)
Things give kingdom, things take everything away (ey)
[Part 3: Joey Bargeld]
[Part 3: Joey Bargeld]
Wer Dinge hat, muss Dinge zeigen
He who has things, must show things
Dinge bring'n zum Schweigen
Things silence
Dinge explodier'n, Dinge kleiden
Things explode, things dress
Dinge haben Macht, Dinge-Power
Things have power, thing-power
Halt' sie fest, weil sie hinter jeder Ecke lauern
Hold'em tight, because they are lurking behind every corner
Ding ist stumpf, Ding ist Freund, Ding ist Feind
Thing is stump, thing is friend, thing is fiend
Dinge klopfen nicht an, kommen einfach rein
Things don't knock, they just come in
Ich häng' an Dingen, springe über Dinge
I am attached to things, jump over things
Stapel' Dinge über Dinge
Stacking things over things
Brauche diese Dinge dringend (ah)
Need these things urgently (ah)
[Pre-Hook: Joey Bargeld, Porky]
[Pre-Hook: Joey Bargeld, Porky]
Dinge sind stumm, verschlingen Summ'n
Things are mute, swallow sums
Dinge bringen Dinge auf den Punkt (yeah)
Things are cutting right to the chase (yeah)
Dinge machen pow, Dinge im Tresor
Things are going pow, things in the safe
Dinge bringen Kingdom empor
Things are establishing kingdoms
Kein Ding, Digga, das Ding hat Swing (boom)
No thing (problem), buddy, the thing has swing (boom)
[Hook: Porky, Joey Bargeld]
[Hook: Porky, Joey Bargeld]
Kein Ding, Digga, das Ding hat Swing
No thing (problem), buddy, the thing has swing
Dinge geben Kingdom, Dinge nehmen alles
Things give kingdom, things take everything away
Kein Ding, Digga, das Ding hat Swing
No thing (problem), the thing has swing
Dinge geben Kingdom, Dinge nehmen alles
Things give kingdom, things take everything away