Translation of the song تکیه بر باد artist Mohammad Esfahani
تکیه بر باد
Relying on the Wind
تقاص چی رو می گیری که تا اینجا کشوندیمون
what are you punishing us for? that you've taken us this far
کجای راهو کج رفیتم که تا اینجا رسوندیمون
where did you lose your path? that you had us reach here
اگه من جای تو بودم میون این همه دردم
if I were you, in this much pain I had
یه روز از چشم این مردم تو رو پنهون نمی کردم
I wound't have hidden you from people even for one day
تو رفتی بعد تو حالم یه حالی مثل مردن بود
after you left, I felt like I was dying
تو هم تنها شدی اما کجا حالت مثه من بود(x2)
you too became alone, but you were not feeling the way I was
اگه دلگیری از دنیا منم مثل تو آشفتم
If you are upset with the world, so am I
ولی من جای تو بودم ،به مردم راست می گفتم
but if I were you, I would have told people the truth
یه دردی سوخت تو سینه ام که تو از خاطرم بردی
a pain was burning my chest that you made me forget it
من اون زخمی رو خوردم که تو از حس کردنش مردی
I was hurt by that wound which you died for, only by feeling it
تقاص دل کُشی های یه آدم تو همین دنیاس
a person will be punished for the hearts he breaks in this very world
بذار ما رو بسوزونن ،جهنم تو همین دنیاس
let them burn us, Hell is in this very world
تو رفتی بعد تو حالم یه حالی مثل مردن بود
after you left, I felt like I was dying
...تو هم تنها شدی اما کجا حالت مثه من بود(x2)
you too became alone, but you were not feeling the way I was