Translation of the song Al buen Pedro artist José Martí
Al buen Pedro
To the good Pedro
Dicen, buen Pedro, que de mí murmuras
They say, good Pedro, that you backbite about me
porque tras mis orejas el cabello
because behind my ears my hair
en crespas ondas su caudal levanta.
in crepey waves its flow lifts.
¡Diles, bribón, que mientras tú en festines,
Tell them, rascal, that while you in feasts,
en rubios caldos y en fragantes pomas,
in blond broths and fragrant flasks1,
entre mancebas del astuto Norte,
among girls from the cunning North,
de tus esclavos el sudor sangriento
of your slaves; the bloody sweat
torcido en oro descuidado bebes,
twisted in gold, careless you drink,
pensativo, febril, pálido, grave,
pensive, feverish, pale, serious,
mi pan rebano en solitaria mesa
I slice my bread on a lonely table
pidiendo ¡oh triste! al aire sordo modo
asking, oh sad! to the air deaf mode2
de libertar de su infortunio al siervo
to free the servant from his misfortune
Y de tu infamia a ti!
And of your infamy to you!
Y en estos lances,
And in these arguments,
suéleme, Pedro, en la apretada bolsa
usually, Pedro, in the tight bag
faltar la monedilla que reclama,
I lack the small coin that claims,
con sus húmedas manos el barbero (barquero).
with his wet hands the barber (boatman).