Am văzut un om,
I saw a man
Stătea în picioare,
standing there
Se uita la stradă,
watching the street,
Avea timp berechet...
he had a lot of time...
În jurul lui, oraşul
Around him, the town
Se-ndrepta spre seară,
went to evening
Cu maşini mergînd
with cars going
Din ce în ce mai încet...
slower and slower.
La un moment dat
At a moment,
Am format un număr,
I've formed a phone number
Prin faţa mea un nor
In front of me, a cloud
Defila haihui,
was wandering around.
O voce-mi vorbea,
A voice spoke to me
Nu-nţelegeam nimic...
didn't get a word
A cui era vocea ?
Whose was the voice?
Numărul, al cui ?
Whose was the number?
Casele de-aici
The houses around here
Nu-mi cunosc povestea,
don't know my story
Soarele apune
the sun is setting
Pictat pe perdea...
as if painted on the curtain.
Reclame imense
Big advertisments
Muşcă din noapte...
bite from the night.
Ce departe-s toate
So far are all
De lumea mea !
from my world...